gripe.. and a carb craving suggestion
I am 100% with you.
Preganncy truly isn't making it much easier when they are telling me to eat carbs. I have been for baby. I know Ketosis is dangerous for a fetus.
I usually try and gt my carbs from fruits.
Other wise south beach diet products like thier pizza.
some days I feel like I can eat a ton. I know it's no where near what I was eatting preop.
Whn even I freak out my hubby tends to meassure it for me and it's not a huge amount. He swears it's because I eat off of one or our toddlers plates.
but for example so far today:
1 protien shake 5am
I made a salad with 1 cup lettuce, 1.5 ounces ham, 3 oz turkey, 2 oz cheese and 3 T dressing. them commensed to eat half on break at 7am
930am I am eatting half a south beach diet cheese pizza.
I will probably eat the rest of my salad later
Dinner is a couple ounces of pot roast and 1.4 cup mashed potatoes
when put all this into fit day INCLUDING A FULL PIZZA (which I only ate half but will edit that to half at the end of the day if I truly don't touch it.)
my totals are:
Totals 965 34 58 112
If I only eat half the pizza this is what it changed too..
Totals 795 28 40 97
blah I am not sure how I feel about this.
However I did come up with a kick A$$ alternative to SF popcicles all the time..
I was wandering through the mall and passed by the tuperware display, I got a flash back to my childhood of summers when my mom would pull out her 'tups' (the popcicle molds) and make me and my sis pudding pops
*flash* SF pudding??? I can have SF pudding!!!
I bought a set
each set has 6 2 oz container.. a serving of pudding is 70 cals ( I think) and 4 oz.
so a 35 cal of frozen pudding goodness
made this pregnant momma happy!
SF banana and SF butterscotch have been the 2 I have made so far
SO I reccomend makign you own pudding pops

I wouldn't worry... I think 965 calories is plenty reasonable considering you are pregnant. If you're overly worried then talk to your nutirionist and make him/her sit down with you and develop some sort of meal plan
What a great way to change up the flavors of pudding pops! i usually buy the sugar free fudge pops at walmart..but they only have fudge flavored. This way you can have different flavors! After I get done with this 3 day liquid "diet" I'm going to give those a try.