9th Month Stats
MY 9 mth anniversary was on 4th April, but didn't think to measure myself till I saw your posting so here goes.
Starting weight when I was starting all the presurgery consults 280lbs ( highest weight ever was 350lbs when I went on disability in Nov, 2000, was at that weight for many years before that . I lost those other 70 lbs over a 9 month period due to a serious health crisis/illness.
starting sats/current stats
Weight presurgery 269/180
breast... 52" / 42.5"
underbreast... 48 / 34"
waist...46" / 37"
hips.... 59" / 45.5"
R U A...19 "/ 15.5"
R thigh... 33" / 25"
wrist...? / 6.5"
neck...? / 13"
I have come so far and don't ever want to go back there.
We are all great losers!
Goal, uncertain maybe 145, but what ever I lose from here on out will be great. Almost to my my first personal goal of 175, my weight in 1977 when I got married.
Have a great weekend everyone.
It never ceases to amaze me at how our bodies are modled back to where they were created to be. I have always prayed for the Lord to help me become the woman spiritually and physically that He created me to be and I believe He is faithful to do just that as we obey.
Bless you and your effort.
Joan M