Anybody else have this problem?
Has anybody else experienced urinary incontinence since the surgery? It doesn't happen all the time - just sometimes it's "I have to go RIGHT now" and then I leak urine. It's embarrasing and I can't tell when it's going to happen because I'll have other times where I have to go right now and it won't happen. I wonder if with the weight loss something has shifted and is pushing on my bladder? Or if it's from all of the water/fluids I'm drinking now? I'll have to ask when I go in for my 9 month appt in January.
Just wondering...
It could happen. I was told by my Physical Therapist that the surgery would help mine, and it seems to have helped. I still have a problem at night and not so much during the day. When I asked the internist in the hospital he said that I might have some relief right away since things had been "rearranged". So it's possible that losing the weight could cause a problem.
Mine is with my bowl movements. I was told I would have a chance of becoming constipated! And I was actually looking forward to that because since I had my gallblader out in the early 90s, I have almost IBS related issues.
Well, I was hoping the surgery would clear this up. NOT A CHANCE. I still have the urgency to get to the bathroom in the morning and have very loose bowl movements!
It sounds more like overactive bladder....which I have suffered from. You are right, it is horrifying....that awful little leak! And the sudden INTENSE urge right before... But the good news is that datrol (sp?) helped mine tremendously. My Dr. said that caffiene would make it worse....but I am not about to give up my caffene...
Be sure to talk your Dr. about it....the medicine makes all the difference in the world!