How many lost in November?????
Isn't it awful? I hate being stuck. I worked all weekend long putting up Christmas decorations and lights and this morning I was 152!!! I almost hate to mention it because I know tomorrow I'll be back up to 154 again. Oh well, at least the scale moved so I know it isn't broke!!
Congrats on your wonderful progress - don't you feel like a whole other person now? I know I do.
Warm regards, Bonnie
I lost 7 pounds in November. But I have been stuck for 2 weeks now at 203.
I am going to bust my A$$ to get under 200 for Christmas. ONly 3 pounds, but at the end of the day...I weigh 206. So I want my end of the day weight to be 198 by Christmas.
Don't you just hate your morning and evening weight! I am always 3 pounds more before bed. Where the heck does it go?? Out into thin air while I am sleeping. I don't get up to pee at night???
Please solve this mystery???
ok, either there's something wrong with my scale.. or me. lol
i've been bouncing the same 8 pounds [yes, 8 freaking pounds!!] around all month. When I started November, i was 217. I've been down to 209, and then back to 214, then 211.. then 216.
So - I have no idea if i've lost anything to be quite honest.
As of today, I'm at 211.
So hopefully that's an actual loss of 6 pounds [slowest month yet!], but I'll take it as I'm pretty sure this is the only holiday i've ever lost weight - even a pound!
I saw the post about how many pounds til goal and sooo many of you are so close! I was happy for you all, but kind of sad for myself. LOL I've lost 116 pounds so far, which is phenomenal.. but i've got 70 more to go. What's even more depressing is knowing the statistics of this surgery say that most patients lost about 65-70% of their excess weight - and i'm already at that point. So I guess anything I lose from here on out is going to take a LOT more effort on my part.
so congrats to all of you - we're doing sooooo well!!!
Hi Sharon,
I lost 8 pounds in the month of November,
the weight just bounces around all over the place! But as long as I keep loosing, I'M OK!!
I have lost 121 pounds since surgery (April 17th) and have to loose 40 more pounds to reach my goal weight!
I think all us April folks are looking FANTASTIC!!
We need to have a party or something on our first year anniversary!
Love you all!