Fluid Intake
in the morning I get up around 7:30
first I have brekie.
then shower..
after shower and getting ready it's almost 8:30 and I can start to drink.
I make my coffee and take it on the road with me.
I then have a 16 ounce bottle of water that I start on.
I try and drink it by first break (after 2 hours)
then at break I re-fill
by lunch I like 32 ounces in.
then I eat lunch and refill my bottle.
30 mins after I get back to work 45-60 mins after I eat I start again..
I try agian 16 ounces by last break or I leave (either way it's 2 hours after I get back from lunch)
refill my bottle and try to have the last 16 before dinner..
then after dinner I sip still
Jenni, I had a hard time at first getting in my fluids, but I eat SF popsickles alot and my nutritionists said that was good because they have no calories, and it is consider liquid. You could try that maybe. I always have a bottle of something with me, but I dont drink as much as I did before WLS surgery for sure.
Hi Denise, I am trying really hard to keep up the water intake but sometimes find I am pushing it a lot in the evening, then I am up 3 to 4 times at night, to go to the bathroom! I do lose better if I get the water in and also do not have leg and foot cramps when I drink an adequate amount of water.
I was just reading your profile and I feel for you, losing you Lab. They are such sweeties. I had to put mine to sleep several years ago at age 15 as he was in pain and could not walk on one back leg because of his hips. It was very hard to do but had to be done. ( I made my husband take him to the vet)
Your pictures are so good. You are doing excellent. Keep up the good work. I noticed you are an R.N. as am I. Luckily I work as a consultant nurse for 3 memory care/assisted living communities and can keep my bottle of water pretty close by. I don't think that would be possible in the hospital setting.
Take care Julia