Yeah me too, my six month (plus two weeks) check-up
I had my 6 month with my surgeon yesterday. I knew I was going to be weighed and I was not looking forward to it. Not because I was afraid I'd gained, but I have an issue in that I will feel good or bad according to the scale, so I don't weigh myself often. I have gone down into 20s and 18s, so I am fully aware that I have lost pounds and inches.
So I pre-pysched myself before going saying maybe I'll be about 220, since at my last appt with my pcp I was 226 and at my 3 month with my surgeon, I was 234. So I get on the scale and those beautiful numbers popped up at 208.8!!!! I was thrilled because not only does that make my weight loss total 118 lbs, but it's 28 lbs from my surgeon's goal for me and about 60 lbs from my personal goal. It's also 9.8 lbs away from 199 which is my next goal.
I told my son that he was my next goal because he weighs 180 lbs so my goal was to lose and get to his weight, whereupon my wonderful 16 year old told me that he was planning on losing more weight so I'd have to also!
My surgeon also told me to continue with my exercise because I'm actually doing more exercise than "regular normal" people!
Anyway, I wanted to share.
Hope everyone enjoys the weekend!
Way to go. I am at a stop now, I have tried to get away from the scales. I am like you and on the scales to much. I need to learn to stay away. I would love to get below 200 as I havent seen that in 26 years. I will get there, but it is slower than the first 6 months.
I need to exercise more, but I will do it faithfully for a little while and then I quit. I need motivation, I guess, plus I really like to walk and now it is getting to cold to. I will think of something.
Hi Kathleen,
I go in the morning before work. I work on the treadmill for about 45 mins and then some of the minutes for about 5 or 10 more minutes. It works really well for me because I go on to work and I've already done my workout.
I guess it's a matter of finding out what will work for you.
Take care,