Question of the Day (qotd)!!
Morning all! (afternoon?) Anyway, I want to know more about you guys! We have such a friendly group that I think we need to have a Mr. Rogers moment and share.
So, the question of the day is:
what do you like to do in your free time? (no kids, no hubby/wife, no boyfriend/girlfriend) Just you and a couple of free hours. What makes you happy?
Me, I love going to movies by myself, going to Barnes & Noble and sitting with a Starbucks and reading tabloids (when i can't find a good book), blogging on, and planning my next dream vacation. I love to travel. Maybe after this cruise to Alaska (9 days left!!), I'll go to Ireland...
Your Turn!
Good afternoon Jenn! It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! (hehe)
Hmmmm....what do I do with my free time? I enjoy making jewelry, reading a good book (LOVE Barnes & Noble as well!), scrapbooking, and I also enjoy going to a movie by myself (no one to bug me with their talking at the most interesting part of the movie), or sometimes just working on a project on my computer (right now it's organizing photos for a Powerpoint family genealogy presentation).
Wish I could do the traveling thing right now, but just too much else going on that the money needs to go my traveling will have to wait!
Have fun on your trip!...and fill us in on the interesting details, okay?
Jeanne, what kind of books do you like? I'm going through a crime fiction phase right now, but I also have had my phases of "chick lit" and romance. I love the historical romances because you get the guilty pleasure of reading romance while learning something about history at the same time!
I usually find an author I like and read everything they have ever written. Who are your favorites? I need some new ideas.
I read a lot of the same authors. I used to like Pattricia Cornwell in her early books, but then she got away from the forensic pathology (which I loved). My new favorite crime author is Katherine Reich (TV show BONES is based on her books) she's a forensic anthropologist based in North Carolina and Montreal.
My favorite romance type author is Luanne Rice. I enjoy reading her stories about New England seashore towns. I guess that goes back to my genealogy studies for I have a lot that come from early New England.
I don't post as often here as I do on the BMI over 50 board but I figured I'd join in..
I don't get a whole lot of free time but when I do I love to read and will spend hours in the library looking at books. I'm a true crime fanatic. I also love to garden and shop.
I'm hoping when we move closer to home grandma will get the kiddos for the weekends and I'll have some free time. I can hardly wait!
Nick to meet ya and PLEASE take lots of pics on your cruise I would absolutely LOVE to go to Alaska!