My 3 month check up
I went to my surgeon today for the 3 month checkup. I don't know about my bloodwork because they only took it today and I have to call after next week for the results. My dr gave me a script to go to pre-op for them to draw blood (his office is in the hospital) and before I left I asked him how many vials the script called for. He told me two. When the tech was labelling vials, I counted 7! I said, he only asked for two, and she told me that he asked for a lot of tests.
My weight loss as of today is 74 lbs. and he is very happy with my progress, he said, it's not too fast, not too slow. Since I had so many issues with nausea and vomiting, I still have to go back in a month since I am only now progressing to regular food. I am still not eating more than a few tablespoons at a meal, but he is not concerned so I am not concerned.
Over all, I am very pleased with my progress!