What is on your menu today?
I am trying to prepare a fun 4th of July meal, so I'm going to skim your responses!
Last night's dinner (LND): protein shake
LNS (snack): colby jack cheese and triscuits
B: protein shake
S: Kashi hi-protein oatmeal
L: South Beach wrap
S: cashews and almonds
D: ? maybe some italian turkey sausage on the grill
S: tofutti cutie
B: protein shake
S: Quaker granola bar
L: hamburger patty with cheese
S: string cheese
D: leftover broiled ribeye steak with sauteed mushrooms
96 oz water
2 multi vitamins
2 calcium
1 sublingual b12
2 colace
Jenn, I noticed the Kashi hi-protein oatmeal on your menu. I am a fiend for oatmeal. My pouch loves it and I find myself having it as a snack quite often! I usually have the 1 minute kind. How much protein does the Kashi have and does it taste the same? Take care, Lisa
Early morning: Protien shake
Breakfast: yogurt with rasberries
Lunch: tomatoes, basal, mozz chesse with balsamic vinagar
Snack: pure protein bar
Dinner: 1/4 Sweet potatoe, 2 oz chicken, honey Dew melon
Water, water, water
366/313/ goal 165
This has been a hard weekend for eating-
I am relying on the shakes for my main protein and DR doesn't like that.
B- 1 cup of Veggie beef soup
S- sweet freedom turtle bar
L-string cheese stick
S-bites of grilled chix breast or beef jerky
D- lord knows will be brother in laws- maybe fish (on the grill)
S- protein shake
I really do not eating much these days, I feel like I am thinking about food more than I ever did before but not wanting any of it. It is getting harder for me to eat not easier!
My weight stalled the last week again and I couldn't figure out why
My husband had been watching me and asked me if I realized I hadn't been eatting much of anything.. as in lunch and dinner no breakfast no snacks.
i hadn't even realized.
The heat has killed my hunger.. so I am making myself eat this week and see what happens