Friday thumbs up, thumbs down
Thumbs Up:
- lost one pound this week
- went to the gym 3x (once more this coming weekend)
- Walked the dogs 1 mile every night
- size 16's getting loose
- TONS of compliments
- Got 2 new protein powders that I really like
- Went to Universal Studios and shared roast chicken with hubby
- Tried watermelon and ate a whole cup!
Thumbs Down:
- only lost one pound
- Water aerobics is boring the hell out of me but I'm afraid to try real aerobics
- Weird pain in my heart-area when I eat too fast which resulted in the Dr. prescribing an expensive medication "just to be sure"
lap RNY 4-17-06
only 50 pounds to go!!

Thumbs up:
I love my husband madly!
I am losing about a pound a day since upping my protein, water and exercise
The rain has stopped!!!!!!!
My family is and has remained safe.
Everything is going great as far as getting the support group going
I am getting support from the medical community for the support group.
I am able to walk 1 1/2 mile now.
I have figured out a schedule for my vitamins, protein, water, exercise, which I think I can make work.
Don has the next 3 days off. Well as off as it gets for him.
Being honest with someone and having it work out really well.
New friendships forming
Thumbs down:
having to make a schedule to figure out how to get everything into my mouth every day.
Having to be honest with someone even if it did not seem nice.
Floods everywhere around us.
366/314/ Goal 165
Thumbs uP:
-Jenn K making this post for me.. WOOT thanks girlie
- Loosing 4lbs between last thurs and monday
-people finally noticing
- being just about out of women clothes
-4th of july party
-feeling smaller
-taking new pics and seeing a difference this time!
thumbs down
-not loosing since monday
-my bladder infection coming back
-mix ups with my PCP office
-being ehausted because I am sick.
-not wanting to work out because I am so sore from the infection.
over all it's beena good week.
Cute post idea!
Thumbs up:
~ As of yesterday, I'm down 60 lbs since my surgery (4/20)
~ I walk 6 days a week and go to the gym three days a week
~ I'm LOVING the weight machines at the gym!
~ I've been to (well one I had for my son) two graduation parties and gone to a wedding in the past week and I was able to find things I could eat on the buffet (I'm always worried there won't be anything I can eat)
~ I feel great!
~ got a new haircut last night and I love it! (much shorter than before)
Thumbs down:
~ went clothes shopping yesterday and still felt gross, fat and ugly