4th of July!!!!!!!!!
Hey Everybody,
I was just wondering what everybody was going to do for the 4th of July? Are you grilling or just resting? Let us know. What do you plan to eat? I hope something good. Let us know what you have planned.
My dh and I are going to rest, rest, rest. It seems we never get to do that.
Hope you have a Great Weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!
God Bless

We will be having a 'block party' on post with several of the other military families that weren't able to get out and return to their 'homes' (where they are from). Us and one of the other families are going to supply all of the meats... brats, hotdogs, hamburgers, chicken, ribs, pork, and steaks... so on that end I will have enough to choose from..but will probably choose the chicken
Then the other families that will be attending will be bringing the side dishes.. not so sure what I will be able to tollerate on that part so I may just be having only the chicken
I think we will all have a ton of fun though.. the two families making the meats are going to pull their grills out into our circle, we will all gather around with our chairs and tables and have the kids running all around.. probably hopping in to the various pools and on various trampolines that the collected families have in their yards
I hope you all have a great 4th!!!!
Hugs to all

I'll be working at the Rodeo this holiday weekend.... it's a fundraiser for the High School Equestrian team that I am the leader of. Should be fun! I have no idea what I'll be doing for food but last time I went to the Rodeo they had big BBQ turkey legs so I'm hoping they'll have that again, although I'll have to share it with someone
Have fun everyone and God Bless America!!

We are taking our 3.5 year old daughter to Niagara Falls (Canada).
She has been watching this DVD that has the Falls in it and told us she wants to see the Falls.
So, we are driving to Windsor to pick up my parents on Saturday and off to the Falls we will go.
$50 bucks says she is a bratt all the way there in the car and all the way back!!! hahahaha
I am going to go to the park in the morning and do the water balloon tooss with my husband. I love that game! Then have a little potatoe, some barbaque pork and fruit. Then I am going to walk back up to the park which will be my exercise for the day and watch the fireworks!
This will be the first time in 10 years that I have gone to the fireworks. I never felt like walking up there before and the traffic is just crazy.
So what is everyone else doing?
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