Irritable emotions -Surgery or Menopause?
Hi folks, Well lately I have been snapping at my family and getting easily frustrated. i do have 2 teenagers, 2 preteens and a hubby. I wondered if other April Babies out there were noticing a change in emotions or is it possible I am starting menopause/ I had a hysterectomy several years ago and the Dr. thought my menopause could come early. I only have one ovary for estrogen.
My other thought was that now that I am feeling better about myself, maybe I just won't let people take advantage of me anymore. Thoughts anyone? Kim M.
Hi Kimberly,
I had alot of emotion right after surgery, but don't seem to have it anymore. Actually, I would say that my demeanor has improved since losing the weight!! I also had a hysterectomy a couple of years ago and they left one ovary...I don't seem to be having any problems though??
It is possible that you have gained back your self confidence and you just won't let people push you around!! Sorry I don't have any great advice....but it might not hurt to start a journal and see if your emotions tend to act up around the time when you ovulate or when you would have had your monthly....maybe it could be that.
Take care,
I seem to be going through the other side of things. I just noticed that it is only 2 days until my priod starts and I have not screamed, cried or been upset until last night. Except over the loss of a friend which is normal.
I have been really calm and peaceful. I have also found an energy that is amazing.
My PMS before surgery lasted about 2 1/2 weeks. I don't know how my husband could live with me at that time. It really was like the episode of "Everybody loves Raymond."
Now I just feel free, free, free and very happy. If this is fat hormones then it is a good thing I have a lot left to go cause I am liking this!
366/316/ goal 165
Dear Kim,
I too find that my temper seems alittle shorter these days. I am not mean or anything. I just get aggravated alot eaiser. I think it has to been my hormones. I have that fat stores hormones and releases them when we loose weight. I just keep thinking that it will get better.
God Bless

I am feelin your pain, gals!! My s.o. and I have done nothing but fight ever since my surgery. He says he doesn't know who I really am, because he has only ever known me sick and tired. We it doesn't excuse some of the things he's pulled since then, and whenever I self advocate or defend myself, it just turns ugly. I find that I tend to have mood meltdowns. At first the doctors and dieticians said that it was withdrawl from all the medication I was on before surgery, effects of anesthesia, and pain med withdrawl. I find now, eight weeks out that I turn into a hag if I don't get enough water, and protein. i stayed on birth control pills to try to avaid some of the hormone roller coaster ride many get. I think that we are all just changing so fast from day to day, that the mind can't always wrap itself around what the body is doing. Some days I just have to surrend to the changes and let them happen, and try not to worry.
Everyone at support group keeps saying to just focus on the positives and the rest will take care of itself. I pray they are right.
Hang in there.