Wow moment and mini goals
First, for my WOW moment. (well, there are 2!) I went shopping and tried on a misses size 18 top and it buttoned! Everything in the plus department is too big now, but things in the misses are still a tiny bit tight. Second WOW: at the hairdresser's I went to get my hair cut and the stylist said, "You could go really short if you wanted to. Now that your face is shaped differently, it would look really cute."
Mini goal: my hubby mentioned that I should be at "wedding weight"(194) any day now (I have 7 pounds to go) and that I should shoot for 180 by the time we go on our cruise in August. He was on the phone with his mom bragging about how well I am doing. Love that man!

I am so excited about the cruise partly because of the food! I won't be paying for these huge meals that I can't finish and I won't have to feel bad about getting exactly what I want off the menu, whether or not it is an entree, and not feeling guilty about not finishing. I am going to miss the desserts though.
Well, I wanted to go Really short. We cut off about 3 inches and I said, "shorter." So she cut off 2 more and I think it still looks exatly the same. The hairdresser said, "Let's wait until you come in for color in about 4 weeks and then if you want, we can cut off some more." I just didn't want to look like Carrot Top!
Congratulations on your fantastic progress. It is so wonderful to establish goals and meet them, isn't it? Your hubby sounds like a keeper, too. My DH never misses an opportunity to tell me how proud he is of me and he also has become the fashion policeman around our house - he always comments if my clothes look TOO BIG on me. Gotta love 'em.
Warm regards, Bonnie