Eeek! Blood
I've been having problems eating dense solids such as chicken. After I
it up, usually the last heave is mostly mucus and some blood. (sorry, TMI?)
Have any of you experienced this?
Surgeon has me scheduled for a scope in 10 days. He didn't speculate as to it's cause other than to say it's probably a stricture and the blood is because I've agitated the area so much. Or an ulcer... but I'm not having any pain associated with it.
So - what do you guys think? Anyone ever puked blood?
well i have an ulcer, and i didnt puke blood at all......but with me getting so sick my surgeon put me in the hospital asap the day i called, and had all the tests run for the stricture and ulcer.
im not a dr but i think you should call them asap and tell them that you are very concerned (if you are) and insist that you can not wait 10 days.
hope that helps you some....