I am 6 weeks out and for about the last 2 or so weeks I have been getting the hiccups a lot. They are not normal hiccups either. My husband and kids tell me it sounds like I am gasping for breath. But I know I am not because that is not what it feels like. It is a very loud and usually one hiccup. I get this sensation of a belch coming on but instead I have that loud hiccup. I do it several several times a day. From time to time I will have 3 to 5 of them in a row but normally only one. I notice it happening after drinking and eating but then again it has happened with out drinking or eating. Is anyone else going through this? Or am I just the freak? hehe I have my 6 week check up this Tuesday so I will be sure to ask what the heck is up with it. But if any of you all have or know someone going through the same thing, or even just have any suggestions.. I would really appreciate to hear about it all.
Take Care

Hi, I hickup like that real loud and funny sounding,
when I eat to much or to fast. My husband says
"are you all right, it sounds like that hurts"
Well it does hurt because I know it's my sighn,
so I try to be very careful, and not over eat,
and chew well and eat real slow.
Hope you get better.
Hugs to you,
Perry W.