Exactly "HOW" much can you eat...more questions inside...
I am just curious since on the main board I see such a variety.
* Do you eat a certain amount, or just eat until you feel full?
* What are your favorite foods right now to eat?
* How much protein do you get in each day?
* How much water do you get in each day?
* Are you taking your vitamins/calcium on a regular basis?
* Anything else you want to share?
my answers:
* I usually measure 1/4 cup of whatever I am eating
* My favorite food right now is cheese sticks and power crunch bars
* I am currently getting 30 grams max...having trouble! (gag)
* about 30 ounces
* yep, vitamins/calcium each day
* I have lost 42 pounds as of today. Surgery date was 4/11/06
Hi Amy
I eat a measured amount since I never have felt that full feeling. I usually have 1/4 - 1/2 cup at each of my 5 meals throughout the day. With protein drinks and liquids in between.
I really don't have a favorite, I'm just enjoying everything that I'm eating. But my salmon patties are yummy as is the crab & lobster bisque. Both are very high in protein. I'm keeping track of my daily food/liquid intake on fitday.com. It's free and I love it. I can plan out my day and know exactly what I'm lacking and where to add.
I'm getting 75-80 grams of protein a day. Though today with my meal planning, I'm getting 92. I know TOO much protein can hurt our kidneys. So I need to ask my nutritionist how much is too much.
I drink 48 - 64 ounces of liquids per day. Of that amount, 20 is water, the rest is crystal light, herbal teas, soy milk, etc.
I take my vitamins/supplements every single day
Surgery date was 4/27, 35 pound loss and many inches cause most of my clothes are hanging on me and I can actually see my knuckles.
Also my 15 yr old son said my calves and feet are getting skinny and my toes are getting longer....
I didn't tell him that my toes haven't gotten longer, they just look like toes instead of little nubs..

* Do you eat a certain amount, or just eat until you feel full?
I was measuring everything out and not eating more than 1/4c at each of my 3 meals. Then my weight stuck for 2 weeks and my Nutritionist said I wasnt eating enough. So now I eat til I am full, which varies depening on what I am eating, but normally about 1/2c. I never got the "full" feeling til I started on solids.
* What are your favorite foods right now to eat?
My current favorite is shrimp sauteed in garlic, minced up with a little bit of avocado and reduced fat mayo. Yummy! I also like eggbeaters with cheese and salsa.
* How much protein do you get in each day?
I make sure I get a minimum of 100g a day. Usually 50-75g of that is from protein shakes, but if I plan accordingly, I can usually do 2 shakes and get the rest from my food. I am told to get between 100-130g of protein a day.
* How much water do you get in each day?
I get a minimum of 70oz, but normally I shoot for 3 liters, or just under 100oz a day. I am able to get that in most days, but sometimes I am a little short.
* Are you taking your vitamins/calcium on a regular basis?
Every single day. I eat my vitamins before lunch each day and mix the calcium in with one of my protein shakes. B12 is by injection.
* Anything else you want to share?
I am so glad to have everyone here to lean on for support. I might not ask alot of questions, but I get alot answered just by reading everyone elses questions and responses.
* Do you eat a certain amount, or just eat until you feel full?
I generally eat about half a cup at each meal, 3 times per day. This is just over the 4tbsp of food I'm allowed for each meal. This makes me full.
* What are your favorite foods right now to eat?
Cottage cheese, corned beef hash and refried beans. Well, they're getting old, but this is what I eat mostly. I grind the hash and beans each up in a food processor. The cottage cheese I just eat straight.
* How much protein do you get in each day?
Well, about 70 grams from shakes, and whatever else comes from the food I eat. I basically don't eat anything that doesn't have some sort of protein in it.
* How much water do you get in each day?
I'm pretty bad about this. Generally at least 50oz though. Sometimes more like 64. If I can get through two liters a day I'm having a good day. I also eat popsicles sometimes.
* Are you taking your vitamins/calcium on a regular basis?
I've got the scheduler on my cell phone timed to remind me to take them. I have a dissolvable prevacid and a dissovable allergy pill when I get up. 9:30am is calcium. 1:00pm is multivitamin, B-12 and B Complex. 4:30pm is Iron (its the bariatric advantage kind, I highly recommend it). 8:00 is another calcium. I should probably get another calcium in there, because I'm only on about 800mg a day.
In other news, I have a hard time remembering to take my urso forte (is anyone else on this, it was prescribed by my surgeon to prevent gallstones). It has to be taken with food and it sucks having to mix it in with some of the little bit of food I DO eat. But then I read the bottle again today and it says MILK or FOOD so I'm going to cru**** up and have an urso-milk shot tomorrow. I used to do this preop with tums, crush them up, mix them with milk in a shot glass and drink it down. Worked great for heartburn. Hope it works as good for this horrible medicine.
* Anything else you want to share?
I tried some hamburger the other day --
I tried some watermelon a different day --
sigh -- I'm only on pureeds for another week and a half, but I may have to stay on them longer because this is scaring me about real food. Maybe I ate those things too fast. I'm going to wait a while longer and try again. And there's nothing to watermelon, I didn't get that.

* Do you eat a certain amount, or just eat until you feel full?
I eat until I feel full, but that is usually around a quarter cup. When I eat slowly, like I am supposed to, I usually can eat a little more.
* What are your favorite foods right now to eat?
I hate everything right now, I'm going through temporary buyers remorse, and though I can cook, I don't like to, so I'm getting pretty sick of what's fast and easy.
I do temporarily like soy nuts. Helps with the salt cravings and a great source of protein.For some reason or other I chew them better and eat them more slowly too, so I actually can eat almost a half cup.
* How much protein do you get in each day?
Varies. The goal is 50-60 grams. Eating 3 meals plus a protein snack, I get 40-50, though one day I actually got 73!!! Whoopee. I want to try some other protein shakes. Post-surgery I don't much like what I've got. One a day would help a lot as I can count it as a liquid!
* How much water do you get in each day?
Struggling to get in 32 oz of liquid a day. All Crystal light.
* Are you taking your vitamins/calcium on a regular basis?
Mostly. Occasionally I forget or get behind. I find that if I put everything I need to in a small plastic cup at the beginning of the day and put it in the kitchen or take it with me when I go out, I do much better.
* Anything else you want to share?
This surgery has been a blessing. Though I am going through some buyers remorse this past week. Mostly want to eat more. Also missing variety as except for a couple teaspoons of apple sauce or a teaspoon of veggies now and then, everythinbg is protein!!! Also think I am probably missing the ability to binge, which is a long-time tool in getting through times of stress.
I am excited to be getting into "old" saved clothes. Hopefully I can get rid some of my fattiest fatty clothes soon! It's more of a volume thing, just don't have enough clothes if I get rid of them all right away!!!!!
Heidi L-S
* Do you eat a certain amount, or just eat until you feel full?
Usually about 2-3 oz
* What are your favorite foods right now to eat? Chicken salad, tuna salad, salmon, cottage cheese
* How much protein do you get in each day? at least 60g
* How much water do you get in each day? lately, 3 liters
* Are you taking your vitamins/calcium on a regular basis? twice daily
* Anything else you want to share? any hints for getting a lazy fat a$$ on the treadmill? so far my only downfall is excersize. I hate it.
Hello Amy,
First congrats on your weight loss that is awesomen keep up the great work.
Ok Question number one
Do you eat a certain amount or til you feel full?
Well I am eating about a 1/4 cup of food right now I dont measure I listen to my pouch but it is around that maybe a little less depending on what I eat.
What are your favorite foods?
Bacon Ranch Chicken salad it is so yummy. ATkins Sizziling Chicken from T.G.I.F.,and baby kosher dill pickles.
How much protein are you getting in?
I shoot for 60 because I am suppose to get 50-70g so I go middle road I get most of it in my protein shakes.
How much water do you get in?
Well since I have gone back to work I dont get as much water in as I would like I work in surgery so I dont get to drink often I would say I get about 40 oz in but mostly in my shakes and when I get home from work I drink water like crazy.....
Are you taking your vitamins?
Every day I take them also take gallbladder, and ulcer meds just for 4 more months though. then just vitamins
best wishes
hugs and love
* Do you eat a certain amount, or just eat until you feel full? I can eat 1/4 cup
* What are your favorite foods right now to eat? poached egg on a half a slice of whole grain toast, low fat cheese and low fat wheat thins, turkey bacon, scrambled eggs
* How much protein do you get in each day? I get 60 to 90 g. from my protein drinks. I shoot for 90 but sometimes I go to bed forgetting to have my third protein shake. I haven't counted the protein from my food.
* How much water do you get in each day? at least 72 oz. sometimes more
* Are you taking your vitamins/calcium on a regular basis? Yes
* Anything else you want to share? I feel great. I really expected to be sick for awhile after and I just feel so good
I'm 5 weeks post op.

Do you eat a certain amount, or just eat until you feel full? I am eating about 2-3 teaspoons. I can eat 5 large shrimps. I don't feel full, just unconfortable.
* What are your favorite foods right now to eat? I can do shrimps. I notice that once I eat something I don't want it again. I am still on soft food for another week. Tuna didn't agree with me.
* How much protein do you get in each day? I usually get 60 grms. I am getting very sick of the sweet.
* How much water do you get in each day? I try to drink close to 50 oz
* Are you taking your vitamins/calcium on a regular basis? Yes to vitamins and just started the calcium. The liquid vitamis are gross and the chewable calcium I got is horrible. Any suggestions?
* Anything else you want to share? I am hungry every couple of hours. I know that is not good. I try to have a "meal" the protein, then another "meal", etc. I am going back to work in a week and I am concerned about balancing this schedule and working.
Thanks for sharing.
I don't really measure anything, I stop when I'm full.
My faves right now are low fat cheddar cheese slices, w/fresh fruit. I also really like scrambled egg w/cheese. Or even grilled chicken/cheese quesadilla, I can eat 1/4 to 1/2 of a small one.
I don't get as much protein as I should...I usually manage about 30-35g per day, just based on what I eat.
I get "normally" get 4-16.9oz bottles of water per day, so that's a total of 67.6oz, per day. If I can squeeze more in, I will.
I take 2 multivitamins every day. I try to remember my calcium, but I forget it 2-3 days per week.
My surgery was 4/3, I'm down 40lbs, and holding. Seem to be at a plateau. Dang it!