Has Anyones Tastebuds Changed?
Hi there.. yes I have a big change in my taste buds. I used to like tuna.. can't stand it anymore.. mild salsa used to be a favorite.. but now I have to use medium instead of mild... and still that isn't very good to me. I didn't like pinto beans before but I do now.. things almost taste sweeter to me so I am out there looking for the more bold tasting things. Not that I am going to be experimenting very much. Although I am 6 weeks out and that is when my doc (as long as there has been no complications..which I havent' had any) gives the go ahead for trying all foods.
Good luck dear, and just keep trying different things.. all with in your limited diet though...till you get the go ahead from your doc to try different things.
Take Care

My taste buds changed also. I use to love candy and sweets and now I can't stand them, even the sugar free ones. My sense of smell has changed too. I don't like the smell of chocolate, or fast food. Good bye Mickey D's and BK. I am finally rid of the power that you had over me. I do enjoy the everything else though. My love for seafood is still there and my love for sushi. I was given the go head 3 weeks ago to eat whatever I wanted within reason and haven't had any complications at all. My favorite thing to eat when I was given the free and clear was a salad, I had been craving a salad for a few days and that tasted like heaven to me. Who would have ever though that....lol.
I love my new life that this surgery has provided and glad I did it. No regrets here what so ever.
My tastebuds have definitely changed, but I am not so sure it is really the taste buds. Sometimes I think it is a brain thing, because when I really think about the taste, it's the same, I just can't tolerate it anymore. Some things I still like, but most of those I don't like to have as much of. Right now I don't like much of anything, last week, most things were tasting good. It is all very odd. You are so very normal!
Blessings to you, Heidi L-S