Where's everybody at?
Just checking on everybody. I have not seen anyone post for a day or two. I pray everyone is doing good. I am fine. I have lost 38 lbs. as of wed. (6 weeks). That makes me really happy. Food is okay. Getting protein and water in. I just wish I liked to eat. hehe.
That sounds real funny. I remember when I wish I couldn't eat.
Anyway, I hope everyone else is doing Great. Have a Great Weekend!
God Bless

Hi Crystal,
Congrats on the loss!
I have been recovering from my first (and last I hope) episode of having something go down a little slow. It was AWFUL. Halibut is not my friend. All the heaving made my poor tummy very very sore so I have been taking it easy.
I am 1 month and 2 days out and down 27 pounds from surgery, about 46 down from my high weight.
Any exciting plans for Memorial weekend?
Hi Crystal!
I've been without internet at home for a week or so while changing ISPs but I can get to OH while at work. Looked at the board earlier and thought, hmmmmm. Then I let my creative (or sick) imagination run wild. Stephen Kings Desperation came to mind......
and I wondered if Desperation had all my April buddies.
Ok... so it's just a sick mind and not a creative one
I'm 4 weeks out yesterday, still stuck at 35 pounds, still not complaining though about being stuck
. I'm doing good.... great with my food, liquid & vitamins. But my last lap wound/hole to heal (was the largest & deepest one) has gotten infected (gross green smelly stuff). And the scab was almost completely dried up. BUT I went swimming last weekend and I guess that was a
. No one told me I couldn't and honestly I didn't ask. I figured no problem taking a shower so I didn't think swimming would be a problem. I went to the doc for him to look at it and they gave me a script for Cipro tablets
, which I have to crush, and they are WITHOUT A DOUBT, the worst things I have ever in my life tasted. I crushed and put in a little juice, gagged and threw up the first one......crushed and put another in yogurt, gagged and threw it up....... crushed and put the third one in a spoon of sf pudding, gagged and was able to keep it down. But I can still taste it and that was this morning
. I can handle most things but I tell ya, I don't know how I'm going to handle taking two a day for 7 days. If anyone has any other suggestions, pleaaaase let me know.
So.... needless to say, my plans for going swimming this weekend are shot. It's so hot down here and the water exercises are good. I was really looking forward to it. Guess I'll switch gears and figure something else out
Congratulations on your 38 pounds!! That is great! You have a great weekend too, Crystal.
Everyone else have a great weekend!

Hi Lisa! I'm so sorry to hear about the infection. What a BUMMER!
Is there any reason you can't just cut the Cipro into small chunks??? It still will taste bad, but not quite as bad as having it all mixed up in something and remnants sitting on your taste buds for hours!!!
I sure miss being able to chug a half glass of something after taking my medicines. It seems like they always feel stuck, though I cut them plenty small, and can eat/drink after, so I know they aren't stuck. And if we could chug a drink after the taste is not so bad. Oh well, one of the minor drawbacks to surgery! But I know where you're coming from. I hate medicine now! Thankfully I don't have to deal with pain medicine anymore!!!
Hope the infection clears up fast!!!
Heidi L-S
Oh and I have no idea where I am at. Next shopping trip I am looking for a scale!
At 3 weeks I was -19 lbs. I know it is more now, just no number to put to it! I'm guessing between 30 and 40 at almost 6 weeks.
Dear Lisa,
Just wanted to let you know that I hate you have infection. That is a bummer. I will be praying for you. I hope it gets better soon. I have a pill cutter that I cut my pills up with. It is real neat and cuts them small. It sure has made a difference for me. I know what you mean about loving to swim. Me too!!!!!! I hope its not long before you will be back in the water.
Have a good weekend and God Bless

I check this board and was wondering the same thing.
I am doing good. I was a day before you in surgery and have lost 42 pounds as of this morning...I am getting so excited
I spent almost the whole morning sorting through my closet and drawers, I gained weight so fast in the past two years that I have many sizes to shrink into and I just got my spring batch ready
I put the "BIG" clothes at the top of my closet and I think I may take them to our next support group meeting!
I am doing okay with food, am not getting alot in, but trying! I have been getting some protein in by food, but I decided to give the protein powders and drinks a rest because I cannot stomach any of them! I am getting about 20-30 grams a day by food. I know it's not enough but all I can do now. I am getting in all of my vitamins and calcium and working on getting more than 30 ounces of water/drinks in. I am doing better sice I have been drinking Crystal Lite lemonade and throwing in sliced oranges...YUMMY!!!
I hope to see you all here more often.

Lisa, I hope your infections clears up soon and you can swim again soon.
I've been without a computer for a few days. Whatever lights up the screen went kaput and they had to come out and install a new screen in my laptop.
I'm 5 weeks out and down 38 lbs. I'm walking every day but not cleared for any other exercise. I go back to the Doctor on June 1st and I should get my clearance then to use the gym.
I'm doing great. No problems or puking or anything. I was really tired for a few weeks but that seems to be gone