Home again!!!
Well I was able to spend 2 days at home before I went back in the hospital for the next 8 days!!! But i'm home and hopefully here to stay!! I ended up in the ER at Vandy last friday night I was having severe pains in my right side, my surgeon (who is in Atlanta) said go to the ER that it may be kidney stones...well I get to the ER...start in the door and then start dry heaving badly.... come to find out I had a serious kidney infection so I was admitted and never stopped dry heaving and throwing up. So needless to say I had nothing to eat or drink by mouth for a week, if I tried it immediately came back up... so finally about tues or wed they get the bariatric surgeons in there. They freak out because they have not been giving me any sort of vitamins thru my IV. Speaking of IV's..i've never been a real easy stick but I had to have my IV redone 5 times in those 8 days...they kept infiltrating...if you have never had an IV do that...don't worry you are not missing anything... my arms are still sore and they said it could take 2 weeks for all the pain to go away.
Anyway.... so they send me down to see if I have a stricture...now I've heard ppl say those tests aren't bad but i'm here to tell you either i'm a huge baby or they didn't give me enough medicine!! They said they would knock me out but it didn't!!! Anyway 2 days later I finally found out the results...I did have a stricture where my bowel is connected to the pouch but more importantly my pouch was full of ulcers they said... well I finally was able to keep water down friday night so they disconnected my IV and started giving me all my meds by mouth...OMG.... I don't think they realize how hard it is to take pills when you can only sip!!! Even if they are broken up....My ulcer pill is HUGE and its 4 times a day..... it's a struggle to just get it down...I'm so scared of throwing up and dry heaving...I haven't really eaten yet and i'm not hungry but I know I have to eat and drink....This is been such a long and painful journey all ready I just hope the worst is behind me!!!
I am so sorry to hear the struggle you have gone through with this surgery keep your head up and I will keep you in my prayers that you get better soon.........just remember one day you will say it was worth it.......keep your eye on the prize and dont let this get you down what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger.......
hugs and love
I am so sorry to hear of all that you have had to endure ! In do know what it is like to have your IV's infiltrate as I have the same problem and it is awful painful !
I just want you to know that I am thinking of you and keeping you in my prayer's for a quick recovery !

Oh Rose.... you've sure had a time! I feel so bad for you
. It's hard enough going through this surgery and recovery, let alone having complications whether from the surgery or not.
Did you not have to have an endoscopy as one of your pre-op tests? If you had the ulcers before your surgery (can't see how you'd have gotten them in such a short time since) they would have shown up in the endoscopy. My surgeon does them on everyone. And if the endoscopy is what you had to check for the stricture, they certainly should have put you to sleep. Mine took about 20 minutes, I was OUT and never knew a thing. Also, I was told never to take pills unless they are chewable, crushed or in liquid form. Pills can cause a problem with your new "connections". It's so weird how things are different from one surgeon to another.
Let's pray that the worst IS behind you. I wish you all the best and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.