Cat died
Oh, no Jennifer... I hate that our pets have such short life spans compared to ours. I have always had dogs and it just destroys me when I lose one. It is one of those things that would have me heading for the food. I'm really glad that you shared this with us since the food is not an option now.
Hugs and prayers for you and your family.
We had a cat die a few years ago and my then 10 yr old neice (now 17) was the one to find him. We had left the house for 20 min to go get dinner and when we got home she went to get 'her' cat and he had gotten up on my bed laid his head on my pillow and had passed away
I know how hard it on us when our pets die
Ruth Ann
Aww i am so sorry to hear this!
My cat was put to sleep in Feb. Hardest time of my life, but i was glad i was there holding him while they did it. It made me feel like maybe he was a little bit more calmer and that he knew i was there with him. He was 11 years old, and totally my best buddy evvvvvvar
I still have a pic of him on my cell phone background to remind me of him.

Oh Jennifer I am so sorry. Have you shared the poem about the rainbow bridge with your daughter? It helps me a lot to remeber I will see all my dear fuzzy friends again, and everything WILL be beautiful and no one will hurt.