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Topic: RE: 3rd day of challenge and very excited!
Tara congradulations on your weight loss. I know we all can do it. This is my 3 day on the P/b Challenge. I am still hanging in there. I know I have lost weigh because I got weighted too. I don't want to say how much until Monday but all may be chocked. I have been stuggling but I keep thinking of that 50 lbs I want to lose by May. So far today I have had 2 light yogurts and a protein shake. The protein shake has made a difference for I don't feel hungry at all after drinking it. I will post tonight and look forward to hearing from all on the challenge. IT DOES WORK!!!! STICK WITH IT LADIES!!! SEE ALL LIGHTER. Joanne
Topic: 3rd day of challenge and very excited!
I got on the scale this morning and not only have I lost the 2 lbs from New Years I lost another lb. The scale now reads 174. That is so great. I just knew that to many carbs had gotten back in my diet. Here is my menu for yesterday.
omellete w/ sliced steak and cheese
2 oz cheddar cheese
Carb Freedom Yogurt w/ protien powder
sugar free jello
hamburger patty w/ cheese
sugar free chocolate pudding
Total for the day is:
Carbs 11
Protien 99
Calories 937
Fluids 50
I was able to bring the fluids up 10 more ounces. Hopefully each day I can focus on getting a little more in. The nutritionist would like to see at least 60 ounces a day if not more.
Take care,

Hey Julie - You are lucky. My hunger did come back right after 6 months.
I use water loading to control it whenever needed. Usually I eat strategically enough though that I am rarely hungry for that long if at all on most day. Usually evening is the hardest on the days I do heavier workouts that morning.
on 1/3/06 8:06 pm - Sydney, Australia
on 1/3/06 8:06 pm - Sydney, Australia
Topic: RE: im obese
I agree Anita that it would sound funny to someone else but to us it sounds fantastic. Congratulations
hugs from down under
on 1/3/06 7:53 pm - Sydney, Australia
on 1/3/06 7:53 pm - Sydney, Australia
Topic: RE: 2nd Day of Challenge Roll Call
Hi well Im not sure what time it is there for you all but I am about to go to bed so thought id post.
B- coffee and protein shake
s coffee
d-yougurt with sf jelly and I put some raw almonds in to keep me regular, I know I shouldnt but needed it.
s- am going to have another protein shake shortly.
not as much water as I should have although I have been peeing a lot.
hugs from down under
Topic: RE: Who had a WOW moment(s) this week?
I've had a bunch of WOW moments lately.
I put on my leather jacket that barely strained shut before surgery to the point that the material pulled aside to show the zipper and the arms felt short~ anyway, now the arms are way too long and I can actually wrap the coat around myself 1 1/2 times.
I saw myself in a picture recently and realized that the shirt that I was wearing needed to be retired because it was simply too big~ I looked like a bag lady wearing it.
I finally had to change to a lower bra size.
My Size 10's are baggy in the butt and I was wearing Junior 11/12's the other day~ the same jeans I was given two months ago, held up and thought "no way".
I am officially at my lowest adult weight ever. It didn't seem possible. I spent all December hanging within 5 pounds of the magic number and somehow feeling that the journey was over~ that I never could beat that 184 (179 on my downstairs scale). A week ago the scale stopped bouncing up and down and since then has dropped. Today I am 181.5. It's kind of dumb but it feels like I crashed through some invisible barrier. I now actually believe, for the first time, that I will achieve a normal BMI.
HELLO ~ I had my lap ryn on april 26 of 2005. Over 8 mths ago, I've lost 95-98 pds since then. I am thrilled, with all of my success. My bloodwork came back great, however, I still have no hunger, sometimes, once a month usually, I have cravings, but no hunger. At my 6mth anniversary, I posted about the same thing, I was told that any day now, I would start to feel hunger, well, I didnt,and still dont. I have a hard time getting my liquids in every day, and when it comes to eating, Its become a joke or a bet with my family, regarding how much I will really eat. Is there any one else who has this situation. Again, I am not complaining, I love my knew life, I just registered for school, after gradutating HS in 1985!! I am going to be a CMA, and am excited about that, would of never even thought about it 100 pounds ago, but if anyone has any suggestions or comments, please let me know.
thanks to you all, and take care,
julie martin
Topic: RE: im obese
Whoo Hoooo!!!! Congrats!!!! Isn't it amazing how far we've come in the last 9 months??? Keep up the great work!

Topic: RE: im obese
ANITA - CONGRATS ON BEING OBESE!!! Bet you never thought that could be a positive comment, huh? Keep up the good work!