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Topic: Hurry Back NG!
Youve been on my mind since your plastics, yesterday. Hurry back and let me know how you are, when you feel up to posting! prayers going up!
Topic: RE: Traverse City People
I was in TOPS during all of my teen years. My mother was always dragging us to weigh****chers or TOPS! I did enjoy TOPS, Im not sure if there is a local chapter here anymore or not but it was alot more fun than WW.
Topic: Traverse City People
Traverse City has an exercise program going right now. It is called Let's Get Moving
Northern Michigan. It is actually a competition between cities. Alpena has won the last 2 years I believe. You just get a little booklet and mark down your exercise and turn it in at the end of the week. There are lots of different places to get the booklets plus turn them in. I know Munson Hospital, YMCA, I will look on their website today. Let me know if anyone is interested. I think it is a good motivator to get us moving.
I am also joining a local weight loss group called TOPS. - Take Off Pounds Sensibly just to keep my self in check so I don't start gaining. Anyone interested in joining with me it is very inexpensive. Like 21 for a year plus 5.00 a month dues. It meets at
Kings Court on thurs evening.
Topic: RE: Stuck and feeling like a failure
I liked the Zero carb Isopure in Orange Pineapple flavor, it went down good, GNC carries the OH YEAH Bars they are worth their weight in gold. Some carry the power crunch bars, I have 2 GNC's close by one carries them, the other does not. Ive heard Designer Whey is good but Ive never tried it. I order all my protein online. If you have a Walmart nearby, try Body Fortress. I have heard it has a good flavor. Hope this is helpful~ES
Topic: RE: I lost 4 pounds this week!
Never such a thing as stupid question. the chewable simethicone is a chewy minty tablet, it makes you pass the gas. Ive found the multi symptom Rolaids will do the same thing if you take enough of them. Walking will also make you pass the gas, this is another reason why surgeons ( for any surgery) want their patients up and walking as soon as they can. I always keep the chewy simethicone tablets or a bottle of multi symptom Rolaids in my work bag or purse, I cant leave home with out them. Hope this helps!
Topic: RE: I lost 4 pounds this week!
i have a really stupid question for you now,, i have never taken any pills or at least very rarely take them unless its an antibiotic or something from the doctor,,, what do those pills actually do? do they eliminate you from getting the gas? or do they help you eliminate it so to speak and make you pass wind? i have never tried them,,
and i actually like the soy milk ,, since surgery i cannot do milk,, i'm fine with yogurt and cheese but good god if i have milk i about die !!,, by the way if you cannot do milk i found out the hard way that chick fila puts milk in their coleslaw !! i was sick as a dog for four days,, but if you drink soymilk try the WestSoy brand,, the vanilla milshake is very good,, and their regular vanilla has several varieties to choose from,, i think one is enriched etc,, they are tasty though i dont care for the Silk brand,, or i use Dairy Ease,, but thanks for the help,, now to get off my butt and try it right
Topic: RE: I lost 4 pounds this week!
I think we will always have a problem with gas. I have noticed, if I use milk in my shakes, it does make have gas. If I use cold water ( which some of the powders taste GREAT mixed with icy cold water) it isnt as bad so I now use vanilla soy milk ( 9 more grams of protein) to mix 2 shakes a day with. I get these in before I have to go to work so it has time to "do its thing" LOL.
Target brand "simethicone" is GOOD for this too! its actually generic "gas x" but if you get the target brand you get almost 100 tabs for less than $3.00. Pop a few in your mouth and your done. I also walk alot and that helps get rid of gas.
As far as eating, I still do not care for meat. Ive tried to force myself to eat it and unless it is salmon, crab, shrimp or grilled chicken I do not want it. I have no choice but to like several shakes a day to keep my protein up and more important to keep my hair! My hair loss had stopped with increasing all these shakes. I do love fresh veggies so I do eat alot of leafy greens like broccolli, and alot of baked sweet potatoes, tomatoes, etc. I dont do anything white anymore ( rice, potatoes or crackers).
Bad carbs still try to sneak in, esp when I am at work. I bought a cake out of the machine the other day and read the nutritional stats on it. Over 500 calories! 65 carbs! 32 grams of sugar! 15 grams of fat! I tossed that baby in the trash and will never again allow such stuff in the house. We have alot of diabetics at work who use this snack machine and the hospital needs to have it removed it filled with healthy snacks!
My family doesnt need that garbage either. My weakness is salty, crunchy stuff like crackers and chips so now Im stocked up on Quaker mini rice cakes (caramel corn is GOOD) and white cheddar Quaker brand soy chips. They really arent that bad at all. Sometimes I add pimento cheese to the white cheddar rice cakes and only a few you find yourself full and satisfied.
Now, Im wanting grapes, strawberries and melons so I try to take some of each to work, to nibble on. Im working 11pm to 7 am shift and to me, that is the snacking shift. Not much to do with the patients sleeping, and I find myself nibbling alot. No gain, so far but Ive lost 2 more pounds!
Most of the gas we had right after surgery, was from the gas they pumped into you to expand your tummy, to do the surgery. this kind of gas, is nothing like that at all and walking makes it move and go! LOL I get out at 4 am, at work, every morning and take a long walk around the grounds. Alot of water helps too, I find all I want is coffee ( the real stuff) and water and if you drink alot of coffee you have to drink alot of water. There is some big issue with caffeine (coffee) and water, doing domething with calcium (I think). I will have to goggle it to find out but if you drink alot of coffee or tea you need alot of water. THAT much I remember!
Keep trying to find what works for you and let us know how your doing!
Topic: RE: I lost 4 pounds this week!
i give you alot of credit,, it is a hard to follow doing so many shakes,, but i have a question for you,, i beleive we msg'd a while back about going back to the post op liquid diet,,, being you are doing so many protein shakes and taking in very little meat and carbs do you notice that you are gassy? sorry to be so blunt but i just remember the embarassing episodes of all or most liquid throughout the day right after surgery,, i keep saying i need to change up my eating routine but still havent done so,, they are good eating habits for post op but i think my body has become so accustomed to it that it prevents me from losing,, i do have a protein shake at least four times a week and take in about 80-100 grams of protein depending on the day but you're right those carbs sneak into your everyday food,, good luck on continuing to lose !!
Topic: RE: NEW Protein Find!
Unfortunately there are currently no protein samples of the New Whey Gourmet Chocolate Peanut Butter, or any of thier other "ice cream parlor" flavors. I took a leap of faith with this one, not to mention an ample supply of SF Davinci syrups. The SF syrups make anything taste better but really this choclate peanut butter is delicious! I have it everyday, sevral times a day and never tire of it. I ordered it from I was forunate enough to get some select samples from before she stopped selling this in a sample pack ( I was able to try the cookies and cream, it does taste like ice cream but to me matrix cookies and cream is better), you may could write her and see if she could help you out. If you like chocolate and peanut butter, you will like this one.
Topic: RE: NEW Protein Find!
I'd be interested in your samples source! You can PM me or reply here. Thanks!