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Topic: RE: were we such whiners?
I was *ecstatic* the first few weeks with the teeny little portions! LOL! It felt SO awesome to eat like a girl instead of a trucker. lol! Aside from just having had my guts sliced open it was the time of my life! I'm weird though so take that into consideration.
I did just post a big fat whiney poo about plateaus on the main message board though so I'll keep quiet over in my glass house here. hehehe! ;)
Topic: RE: were we such whiners?
Lynda, I don't think I was a whiner but I had questions and still do. I learn from these boards everyday. I guess I knew what to exspect. It didn't bother me for people to eat in front of me and I didn't want to eat at first. It was to boring to me. They will be ok. Let's help them. Remember we are all in this journey together. We can all have a bad day so ok you bit--ed today but tomorrow is another day. Bet you are your old self and will not even care about today. See you lighter. Joanne
Topic: RE: were we such whiners?
Hello There Lynda,
I've seen your posts many times before and you're always a positive poster......I think we'll give a get out of "*****fest" free card tonight and cut you a break!! Some people get caught up in the moment of the post and freak out a little......they'll learn quckly enough.
Have great night!
Topic: RE: OK, April 2005 surgery are you doing?
hey guys,
had surgery on 4/11/05 have lost about 88 lbs so far.
feel wonderful, men are starting to notice me,it feels weird but nice.
you guys are doing great.
Topic: were we such whiners?
I was reading the main message board and I had to bite my fingers to keep from typing replies to some of the posts.
I honestly don't remember being such a whiner in the first week or month post op. So many act as if they never researched what WLS means and what to expect afterwards. So what if they can't eat anything but liquids for for a week. What did they expect? So what if they can't stand to look at another spoonful of sf jello. What did they expect. So what if "everybody else" is eating "real" food in front of them? What did they expect? So what if "nobody" understands them and what they're going through? What did they expect?
God, I can't stand whiners in general and today for some reason I have no patience for them whatsoever!
Feeling b*tchy tonight....
Topic: RE: Carbs-beans-HELP!!!
Not all carbs are created equally. Beans fall into the category of "good carbs" because they are healthy food and not as quick & easy to break down as, say, potatoes. The carbs in beans generally are 99% fiber, which is good for ya, it helps you poop!
That all being said, beans are not a "whole" protein. To get a wholly productive protein, you need to eat a grain with your beans, such as rice or bread. Beans are great for helping to boost your protein intake, but not for all the time. Of course, if you are looking for a great portable protein source, you could try beef jerky -- the sodium is high and you need to drink extra water to keep from rataining fluids -- but at 15 grams protein per oz and only 90-130 calories, beef jerky can't be beaten in the protein count!
Whenever I know I will be out and about and not have time for a proper meal, I take a sandwich bag with 1 oz pre-measured beef jerky with me & munch on that. Dry roasted soy nuts are also a great source of protein, as are many other nuts -- just be aware that while the fat content in nuts is high, it is omega fats, which you NEED now, so be careful until you know you can handle the fat content, and chew chew chew! Another quick, portable protein is soy crisps -- the carb count is higher (in ratio) than I like, but when you want a crunchy snack, wow, they rock! Turkey pepperoni is also a great on-the-go protein, as are cheese sticks, though you can't keep a cheese stick in your purse for days at a time, LOL
of course, the tuna fish lunch-to-go products are great for on-the-go eating, too, though I would recommend trading in the crackers (high-fat butter flavored crackers come with them) for a low-carb variety -- such as a rye crisp or whole wheat cracker.
325/207/125(someday, I hope!!)
Topic: RE: Carbs-beans-HELP!!!
Hello Heather,
Your talkin about BEANS! If it wasn't for beans I would be very sad!
OMG... I just about live on beans.... I have problems with meat so, I make a pot of beans and add some meat or chicken or turkey to them.
I am single and I like to cook, sometimes. Well I found that a crockpot is the easiest way to make beans. I just chop up some veggies like celery, potatoes, onions, and sometimes carrots(theyare high in sugar so I stay away from them), then I add some kind of broth either chicken or beef. The beans I use are either white beans or lintils or my favorite is a green split pea. I sort and rinse the dry beans and then soak them over nite, then I brown my meat in a frying pan. Add the hard veggies & beans to the bottom of the crockpot and add meat and onions. Then add enough broth to cover everything and turn the crockpot on low if your starting it in the morning and let it cook for 8 -10 hours and you got yourself a meal that you can freeze. I freeze my beans or soups in ice cube trays and then when there frozen I take them out of the trays and put them in freezer ziplock baggies, I put two cubes per bag and when ever I want my beans or soup I take out a bag and microwave it. Presto ! dinner or lunch in a minute or two.... Can't be easier then that.
On the carbs there isn't that much to worry about I don't think? Some times I think I might be getting to much salt, but I figure if I am getting in 100 ozes of water per day. I am flushing it out of my system.
I have to say I make a Heck of a Split pea soup with pork ! Infact I am getting ready to make a batch this evening.....
I usualy have a some kind of crackers with my soups or beans also. I like the Ritz brand, they have a garlic and butter one that is awesome! Oh just found a soy crisp snack chip that is great also.
If you need more soup or bean hints.. Email me and I will try and help you out.
-138 lbs.
Topic: RE: Who had a WOW moment(s) this week?
Hey, girl, I am glad you are doing so well. I am still here in Meridian. I am going home Monday, power or no power. Gasoline or no gasoline there. Food or no food there. (hee hee, I am gonna take some protein shakes and I have yucky powder at home........ my kids can share the powder with me when they run out of canned everything in the cabinets!) They could both use a little........... drop a couple pounds days! Mean mom. Hee hee........... that's what they get for keeping me up at night every night and then sleeping all day........... making momma miss her own bed in her own room........... and willing to trade their food for it......... LOL. Gonna take lots of cat food with me though.... cats aren't keeping me up!!!!
Topic: RE: Who had a WOW moment(s) this week?
Sorry you are going. We will miss you. But hey, maybe Tx will annex western La............LOL. Then they can improve the run north to escape the storm roads............. so they have more to use to get out!! LOL
Topic: RE: OK, April 2005 surgery are you doing?
Gained.......... oh, don't say gained......... now I am nervous............... no scales for 17 days.............. darn, I convinced myself that choices were stay the same or lose a little.................... but you said GAINED. Oh goody, I could have gained.............LOL. Kisubg nt gaur bt fustfuls too! About the constipation.......... have you tried sugarfree gum, many people can chew them and get a laxative effect. Try one slice, then two if one doesn't work, and so on.