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Topic: RE: Zone Perfect Bars
Too many carbs IMHO. A new postie just dumped on one of those on the main board as well.
So far my favorite is the caramel peanut one at (my fav place for protein!! They have hot chocolate, soups, cappucino, etc...yummmm!!!) and also the Dexatrim one isn't bad in a pinch...the numbers (cal, fat, protein and carbs) are the best I've seen in store-bought protein bars anyway.
Topic: Zone Perfect Bars
Has any of you tried the Zone Perfect Bars? I got mine from Walmart for 96 cents. They are the best tasting protein bars I have had (and I have tried ALOT of them).
I actually look forward to eating a protein bar - I never thought I would say that. I love the crunch and chewing - something I miss with eating all the protein that is soft.
Heather 4-11-05
Topic: RE: OMG-WOW Size 12:Sharing clothing with my mother
Great Job !!!!!
I too just passed by 6 month anniversary. I am wearing size 14 jeans, but I have to wear a belt to keep them up. It does feel so wonderful. I went shopping over the weekend and was giddy when I started trying on misses XL shirts and my husband said that is way to big, I ended up buying a L. It is a wonderful feeling. I am happy for you.
The whole adventure since WLS is soo worth it. Not saying that all of us have not had bad days. But I think everyone of us would do it again.
Heather 4-11-05
Topic: RE: my best wow MOMENT..
I got there 2 weeks ago after being 201 for 3 weeks. It is such a great feeling to know that you weigh in the one hundreds.
Yeah for you!!!!
Heather 4-11-05
Topic: RE: Wow moment
Ruts are always bad. Rut in diet leads to rut in weight loss. I try to vary my diet everyday. Except for my salad. I love salad, but I only eat it if I have already eaten my protein for the day. This has been a great incentive for me to eat my protein. I am really bad about getting in my 60-80 of protein. Luckily, my hair had not fallen out yet and I have just made it to my 6 month mark having lost 95 pounds.
Heather 4-11-05
Topic: RE: How much do you eat at any one sitting?
I had the same question as you. How come one time I could barely eat 3 ounces and the next I could eat about 6 ounces. I noticed if the meat is "wet" I can eat more. Also, salad/vegies are bigger when you measure them and they chew down to very little, they are also wet.
I love this message board - sometimes I feel alone in my struggle, but I just log on and usually someone has already posted my question.
Heather 4-11-05
Topic: RE: I've finally had a WOW MOMENT
People who have not had a weight problem all their life do not understand the things we get excited about. A couple of months ago we went to a local carnival and my 6 year old daughter wanted me to ride rides with her. I told her that I could not fit on the rides and that I was sorry. She told me that I could because now I was not fat and to PLEASE try. So I did try for her (I thought what is one more embarassing moment), but to my suprise not only did I fit, I had extra room. We rode every ride there.
Heather 4-11-05
Topic: RE: How much do you eat at any one sitting?
Thats the only way to take it One day at a time!! I know it seems I gained the 200 lbs overnight but it was one bite of the wrong thing that did it..
I quit smoking 11 years ago and the only reason i dont start again is I NEVER want to quit again. It is the same with eatting... I NEVER want to quit or give up again.. so i am going to stay the course. eat good and exercise.. I LOVE the new me and I want her to stay around.
Topic: RE: Profile Page
Email [email protected] and they will fix you right up. (Well, in about 3 weeks)