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Topic: RE: Haven't lost any weight in over 2 Months!!!!!!
Don't despair!
Looks like many of us, including myself, slammed into the 5-6 month postop brick wall. I have started losing again this week and so have some others. Hopefully your turn will start tomorrow. Don't lose hope or give up and eat cookies (like I did!).
Best of luck!

Topic: RE: East Coast Romance
Just my own opinion....I've met some of the nicest people on the singles board on OH....
On the other hand...I've met some very evil people on that board. People that assume before knowing what is actually going on. I've done nothing but attempt to watch out for others and be nice to the majority who I thought were kind people over there and it turned around to bite me in the ass. I mean no harm when I post.
Again, I love the board, but there are a handful that should get off thier high horse and 1)ask before they assume. 2) be kind, there is no reason to be so angry. 3) listen when people try and help, and don't get all bent out of shape about someone's opinion.
Again Just my own opinion.
Sheryl-how's the weightloss coming?

Topic: Haven't lost any weight in over 2 Months!!!!!!
Ok, What the heck is going on. I have not lost any weight or inches in over 2 months. Is my weight loss done??? Anybody else experience a 2 months plateau. If so, Please tell me what you did to break through it. Saturday I started going to the gym and I spent at least 1 hour there. For the next 14 days I'm going to only eat protien and see if that works. No bread, pasta, fruit, or juice. My start weight was 287 and I had my surgery on April 18, 2005. To date I weigh 210 and cannot get another pound off. I look at other people who started at the same weight I started at and they are closer to a 100 pounds loss. Why can't I be like them. Somebody out there who is 6 months out and experiencing the same as me please write me back with some words of encouragement. I've posted on this board before and you guys always seem to help. Do you know of a for sure plateau buster that works. At this point I'm willing to try anything.
Topic: RE: East Coast Romance
No one said either one of you were BAD PEOPLE.. they just suggested you meet before you commit.. If it works I will be the first to jump on your bandwagon and be very happy for you!!! What is wrong in meeting face to face before declareing undieing love for eachother??? ANYWAY.. I am not a bad person either and I think I will just stay off the subject and wish you guys the best.. hopeing the whole time!!!
Topic: RE: Selfish Plea for some Positive Thoughts
You got the right idea... going in prayed up!! Dont forget a prayer for the Dr too.. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Topic: RE: Help some advice please
Make sure you are eatting enough and drinking enough water and shake up your exercise a little. Walk a mile or so.. Just do it differently.. some times that helps break those non loosing streaks
Topic: RE: East Coast Romance
Whoa. Don't you watch the news? Bad things happen to good people all the time. My own neice was lured out to meet a sexual predator who preys on vulnerable and foolish teenage girls with Internet access and will believe whatever they read in print.
"Support" is not telling people what they want to hear and encouraging behavior you cannot comfortably advocate. Last night I didn't suggest anybody was doing anything except moving too fast for prudence. I can assure you I am sorry I expressed my opinion.
I am constantly amazed at the anger and bitterness which is spewed on OH message boards. The site is rampant with rude and unkind people. Surely we can agree to disagree without the snide comments and personal attacks.
Topic: Help some advice please
I have been stuck at 180lbs since before my wedding which was October 8th no pounds are dropping...Any suggestions PLEASE>>>my clothes are dropping sizes just no pounds comming off..
Topic: RE: East Coast Romance
Ok Folks,
Here it is in my OWN Words.... I am not a SERIAL KILLER or A CONARTIST... I am a REAL HUMANBEING! I have a clean record I have work in the law enforcement careers/ security careers for over 6 years. I had to go on disablity so I could get my WLS paided for. I am No STOCKER or any of that cr@p.
Thank you all for YOUR OPINIONS.
I willbe the one to make the dicision to do what I want to do in my Life.
Since I been hurt before. I know what CAN happen. I know there is RISK.... That is why I am not rushing into this. The month of May is 6 months away. What the Heck is wrong with communicating with someone on the DAM NET! and TELEPHone....NOthing to me... Please just back off and let it be. I know I am RISKING it!
Peace out,