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Topic: RE: Honeymoon Pictures
Katie - It looks like you did have part of a good time. I guess you can look at it as something you will never forget and hopefully never experience again.
You look great!
Heather 4-11-05
A great big round of applause
is coming your way you have officially
from Obesity U to Simply Overweight. I'll be there soon and we'll have to start our own sorority.

Topic: RE: Who had a WOW moment(s) this week?
My wow moment came when my Mom visited me and I realized I'm smaller than she is.
She was always on my back as a teenager because of my weight. I had a love hate relationship with her because of it.
Now I can say that I saw a little envy in her eyes and it gave me a great big WOW moment.
Topic: RE: Who had a WOW moment(s) this week?
MY WOW moment was when people kept coming up to me at church yesterday calling me skinny and watching what I ate during the homecoming dinner... teaspoon of this and a teaspoon of that... even if the corn casserole and patoto salad wasnt the best choice a teaspoon wasn't going to wreck my whole diet...AND GETTIN FULL!!! Wow!! I was able to clean the kitchen for them while everyone ate... and feel sorry for them knowing what THEY were doing to their bodies... sigh...
Then I came home amd mowed & swept up the leaves before the snow started sometime this week..and not getting exhausted!!
Topic: RE: Honeymoon Pictures
Great Pictures!!! It has been SOOOO long since my honeymoon (the first one) and our second honeymoon we spent in Hawaii.. Man I want to go back!!
I was just telling someone the other day how happy I was to just be obease instead of Morbidly!!!
Party on girl enjoy every minute of it!! I think thats what keeps us from putting it back on... dont get ****y!!
Topic: Honeymoon Pictures
Pictures are now posted of the honeymoon. Including the hurricane as well *rolls eyes*, lol.
Go here if you're interested:
Topic: Who had a WOW moment(s) this week?
Hi Everyone,
I have been slacking on my weekly WOW moment post but, I am sure you can all forgive me. My life has not been the same since Hurricane Rita. I have re-located to Texas and lost my job. However, they are paying us a severance package plus insurance premiums for 90 days. Now on to the fun part.
Who had a WOW moment(s) this week?
Mine were wearing my Mom's clothes for the first time in my life.
And putting on my pre-op outfit (the one thing I have saved) and the pants literally fell off of me. They fell to the ground.
So, what were your WOW moments????