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on 11/29/05 7:49 am - Sydney, Australia
on 11/29/05 7:49 am - Sydney, Australia
Topic: RE: First Plateau
Hi amber
Wow 114 lbs that is amazing. You have lost more than twice what I have in the same time frame, so expect a plateau to let your body catch up. I have only lost about 7 lbs in the past three months. It dosnt matter what I do, how little I eat how much I exercise it dosnt want to drop. I need to up my proteins too, but if I were you I would be happy to let my body catch up with the huge loss you have had. Try not to stress because already you have had such a wonderful achievement.
hugs from down under
Topic: RE: First Plateau
Actually they had me at 292 on surgery day. I lost 3 pounds the week before. I am 5'3". I think my goal should be 130 but for myself never really being under 140 I stuck with that. Of course the doctor has my goal at 171, yeah right! I would love to be under 140! Hey do you have a link for that website? I'm curious now. Yes, Yes! I am always cold. Course this cold winter weather doesn't help. So your still ahead of me by 5 pounds huh? Well at least it isn't 20.
That would suck!

Topic: RE: First Plateau
Amber - you and I are almost at the same place - it is almost eerie. My surgery was 4-11-05 (1 day difference), my beginning weight was 291 (5 lbs. differecne), and my weight now is 177 (5 lbs. difference). How strange is that. My goal is to reach 150. How tall are you? I am 5'4. My ideal weight is 132 for my height, but I found a link that factors in your age with your height and gives you a comfortable weight to be at and it was 144 (I am 36). I figure if you figure in the extra weight for excess skin 150 is a good figure. I am not sure how good my goal is by I just set a goal in the past couple of weeks. Did not want to get my bubble burst.
Good luck with the weight FREEZE !!!
ps. are you cold all the time - I am constantly freezing.
Topic: RE: First Plateau
Lucky you amber. I have had lots of ups and downs so far, and battling the same stupid 3 lbs for weeks, but it always ends eventually. keep up the good work. I just hit my 7 month anniversary on sunday, and so far I am down 132lbs, and feeling great. I had a long ways to go, and I still want to lose at least another 88lbs, but even if I werent to lose any more I would be happy with all that has been accomplished so far. And of course I do concider it a huge accomplishment. It really irks me how some people see it as taking the EASY way out
. I mean it is a HUGE lifetime change and requires committment. and who likes being sick all the time, and scared to go and eat anywhere for fear of it reappearing a short time later???? those people who think its the easy way out have NO CLUE. Keep up the great work, and you will get to where you want to be.
Anita B
420/288/200 someday

Topic: RE: How did you fair thru your first Post-op Thanksgiving Day?
Mine went way better than previous years. Luckily we're all far out enough that we can eat a variety without getting sick anymore. I have taken to grazing sometimes. I think I easily managed over half a pound of shrimp by myself on turkey day. I so love shrimp! I would eat 2 or 3 at a time. They are low in calories and have some protein so it's still a good choice. When it came time for dinner I had a bite of turkey, 3-4 bites of pork stuffing, 5-6 bites of broccoli casserole and mashed potatos and gravy and 2 asparagus tips. Sounds like alot but it was really almost nothing. I only use salad forks when I can, that way I get smaller fork fulls. Actually I don't do whole fork fulls, just tiny half salad fork fulls. If that makes sense. I still have that problem where I feel like I have to eat all that is in front of me. I hate to see it there on the plate sometimes. I did have a slice of cheesecake for dessert and ate it all except for the end of the slice. Luckily I went to my moms so nothing came home with us. Oh yeah, I did make some deviled eggs early in the day and made the mistake of taking a whole half in my mouth at once. YIKES! Didn't eat another one after that.
-114 POUNDS!

Topic: RE: How much weight have you lost?
I am 13 days away from being 8 months post op and have lost a total of 114 pounds! I finally hit my first plateau this week. I have managed to lose every week since my surgery, but this week, nothing. I still have 42 more to go so hopefully this is just a small setback. I'm looking for a big loss next week.
-114 POUNDS!

Topic: First Plateau
It's been a really long time coming, but I knew it would happen eventually. I certainly can not complain. I am 13 days away from being 8 months post op. I'm quite amazed I've made it this far without gaining or not losing. Luckily I didn't gain this week, but I did not lose at all. I know I need to up my proteins. I only get what I can from foods since I've been out of my favorite hot chocolates for so long. With the cold weather and tight budget at my house we've been eating more carbs. Bad for me but good for the budget. So anyway I just thought I'd share. Hope everyone is having a great day and staying out of this dreadful cold freeze.
-114 POUNDS!

Topic: RE: Who had a WOW moment(s) this week?
My first wow moment was at Thanksgiving dinner, noticing that I'm thinner than my cousin, who's 5 months pregnant, but before, that never would've mattered. At her lowest weight, she was 150.
My second wow moment, was when my mom bought me several items of clothing from the thrift store in size small (one in size extra small) and they both fit!
My third wow moment was at Tae Kwon Do, and my pants are starting to fall down (they didn't thank God), but the pants are itty bitty anyway, and the fact that they're starting to get to big gives me warm fuzzies.
My fourth wow moment was doing laundry with my husband, and I pulled a pair of jeans out of the dryer and thought they were my husbands, but low and behold... they're mine!
My fifth wow moment is finding out that the clothes I bought just a month ago, are now getting to be to big, which means, I'm probably down to a 12 size pants now

Topic: RE: Who had a WOW moment(s) this week?
I had several wow moments this week.
1. My youngest sister who has always been smaller than me gave me 3 pairs of new jeans that were too small for her. Fits me perfectly.
2. I went back home for Thanksgiving (Chicago) and visited my old work location in Hoffman Estates, IL. I was walking towards my old department with my sister and an ex-coworker thought I was one of my sister's daughters. She didn't recognize me until I started talking.
3. I went to a babyshower on Saturday and wore some jeans that fit me two weeks ago. I had to wear a belt and still had a hard time keeping them up. Everyone was calling me Miss Baggy Pants....
4. I just got the pictures from the baby shower and didn't realize how much younger I look now.
5. I pulled up to my mom's house when I got into town (Chicago suburb) and one of my nephews whom I haven't seen in over 10 yrs, stopped his car in the middle of the street.... Stuck his head out of his car window and called out my name..... He immediately got out of his car.... left it running and door wide open and ran towards my and gave me the biggest hug and told me how great I looked. He had such a big grin on his face.... That was awesome!!
6. I was walking with one of my ex-coworkers whom is a fast walker and I was actually keep up with her and talking at the same time. I used to be a few steps behind her and whizzing, huffing and puffing and unable to talk while walking. She even noticed how I was keeping up with her pace.
I love my new tool!! I just wish I had done this sooner.
Topic: RE: How did you fair thru your first Post-op Thanksgiving Day?
Hi Tom
First off, congrats on making it through your first feast so well.
My day was uneventfull. I'm not a huge turkey lover, so that wasn't a problem. My weakness is the dressing and the taters n gravy. I had only a very small portion of each and left it at that. Now, if I can just make it through the Christmas feast, i'll be happy.
Have a great one!