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Topic: RE: First Plateau
Well I swear I have not lost nothing since october it like if the scale does not move..What is wrong is this to long ?what can I do?The scale just stays in the same spot.
Any suggestions
Topic: RE: constipation----sore subject
Hi Anita! I've been constipated for about two weeks now, but I know it's due to my poor choices in foods. Have you tried the Milk of Magnesia? Take like 2 tablespoons a night for 5 days. If that doesn't seem to help you need to see your doctor. You could be backed up somewhere. Try adding more fiber to your foods. If you don't want to use foods because they generally have more carbs you could try a powder or pill form. Good luck! I know it's no fun.
-114 POUNDS!

Topic: constipation----sore subject
Has anyone had bad experiences with constipation since surgery. I know this is a very touchy subject, but I have never had so much problems with it in my life as I have had since my surgery. I drink LOTS of fluids every day, and if I have to take any type of pain medications for my back or migrains, I make sure to drink extra water. But lately I have been having troubles again, and with the troubles comes the hemroids...which make it even worse. Does anyone have any solutions for what I can do to help end this????? I have tried taking stool softeners and laxitives, but still no results, and it is really starting to hurt now. ANYONE????? HELP????
Anita B
420/288/200 someday
Topic: RE: *****CENTURY CLUB*****
*high five*
Awesome job! I am 2 lbs away myself! Keep up the good work lil'trooper!
Topic: RE: First Plateau
wooo hoooo, look at you hot mama! Your looking and doing fantsti****ep it up!
2 lbs from century club
6 lbs from "normal"
8 lbs to magical number I created at the start of this journey...haha
0 lbs from feeling great about how I look and feel

Topic: RE: How much weight have you lost?
Hi Deanna,
I am right there with you, we had surgery on the same day and I am down 85lbs also with around 25-30 to goal. Wooo Hooo for us.
Hugs Heidi

Topic: RE: First Plateau
Budget may be tight but DON'T leave out the protien.. even if it is a can of refried beans...Carbs may give you quick energy but they wont keep you alive..
You are doing great!!! 114.. I am down 85 and at a standstill in weightloss but I have gone down another size.. so the inches are disappearing..
Topic: RE: Who had a WOW moment(s) this week?
It is funny and wow isnt it... I pull pants out of the dryer and wonder whose they are... then I remember wearing them yesterday.. mind boggleing!!
People at work think I have a brain now.. I guess when you loose weight there is more room for it to grow... any way they are actually asking me questions..
I wore a loose dress to work yesterday with a long loose blouse over it and people were wondering why I hide the new me...I just told them I like what I was wearing and why flaunt it if ya know ya got it?? Besides sitting around in an over size dress with a pr of knee high hose is like going to work in your bathrobe.. comfee..
Topic: RE: *****CENTURY CLUB*****
Congrats Gina! I am so Happy for ya!
Keep up the great work...
Take care and Happy Holidays to you and your family.