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Topic: repost from main board...Merry Christmas Oh Family!!!!
Merry Christmas Oh Family,
I was just wanting to drop in, and wish everyone Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays! The 29th of Dec I will be 8 months out, and as of today i've lost 140lbs! Life is getting better for me daily, but I still deal with my demons which has slowed down progress for me in other areas of my life that doesn't include food. This week was my for lack of a better term, " unveiling" to the social world outside of my house in terms of parties. My hubby's job had two parties this week, and I was terrified of how people would percieve me. Most of the people I met knew of my surgery. I was SO relieved that no one made a mention of it I hate being the center of attention however the parties went just fine I handled myself well, and hubby was proud of me. It was difficult for me in the sense that I still see myself as 353lbs my weight previous to surgery, and i've lost 140lbs since then! Eating out in public is something i'm still weary of fearing I may eat the wrong thing or too much of something keeps me from enjoying food the way I wish I could. I can eat a wide variety of food, but on occasion I do run across something too rich, spicy, or sweet. I can eat sweets in small quantities, but sweets really aren't my thing. My weightloss has slowed down considerably after about the 4th month I slowed down to about 10lbs a month, and now it seems to have slowed to 8lbs or so a month. I'm so greatful for this surgery i'm only 14lbs away from my personal goal of 199 i'm pretty confident that i'll go beyond that, but if I can just get into wonderland i'll be thrilled! One of the effects of surgery for me personally is being cold. I don't believe i've read a post or if I did it's been too long to remember of anyone being cold to the bone after surgery. Prior to surgery I was hot natured it didn't matter the time of year I was always hotter than anyone else. So it's definately came as a surprize that after surgery, and having lost the amount of weight I have that my first winter postop i'm freezing to death! I'm not used to this, and my hubby and I battle constantly over the thermostat! I sleep with socks which i've never done, and two blankets. I'm also having hairloss that isn't pleasant it's actually quite annoying especially when cooking. I would swear i've lost about half of my hair's thickness thank God I had thick hair to begin with. It's not all sunshine and roses, but for myself personally this surgery has been a gift from God, and if given the chance I would do it again in a heartbeat! I will be posting new pics of me after the holidays and I hope that most of you will do so as well since it is such an inspiration to all who surf this site. I want to personally thank everyone who has encouraged me through my journey, and I hope that in some small way I can give that gift to someone else. The hope and promise that this surgery can and will change the live's of people who undergo this procedure. For the pre-ops reading this post keep the faith, and read study as much as you can prior to surgery for it will help you through your process. Know also that you've got friends here this site is wonderful in terms of peer support, and love. In closing I wish all of you peace, love, and happiness this holiday season, and in the new year 2006!!!
Topic: RE: Merry Christmas April Pal's!!!
Gina, Last year I was very discoraged because I had just started looking into this journey. Was coming across alot of road blocks. This year I am so happy. I have lost 112 lbs. Have went from a size 32 to 20 and can do so much more. I am a leader of a support group and have had so many wow moments over the year. What am I looking forward to this next year? I am going to have a T/T in May. I want to lose another 50 lbs. I would love to be a size 14. I am joining a jazzercise class on Tuesday.This summer I will ride a bike with my grandchildren and swim, swim,swim. Last summer I couldn't swim do this due to an open wound. I will make it up to my grandkids this summer. My new years resolution is to do things I really want to do for myself. We all should do stuff for ourselves . If all is like me , we always do for others before ourselves. Hope all has a nice holiday and has learned you can try something food wise in moderation. All the temptations will be over soon. See all lighter. Joanne
Topic: RE: NOW HEAR THIS!!!I have what you are looking for!!!
Rae, I am going to start this next week. I am also joining a jazzercise class.I will be having hernia repair surgery and a T/T in May. I have lost 112 lbs so far but really want to lose another 50 lbs by then. I am having this done in May because my Dr. is taking a new job in June and I really want him to do my surgery. Thanks for all your support. I will keep you posted how I do. Good luck on your T/T. See you lighter. Joanne
Topic: Merry Christmas April Pal's!!!
WOW....where were we last Christmas? Probably working on approval's or just miserable in our own body's. I challenge you all to reflect back on that and see where you are today and how much happier you are. I hope all of you have a Merry Christmas and may all of your dreams come true in the New Year. I bet we will all be at goal before long!!!

Topic: RE: Way WOW moment yesterday
Lynda, This is really funny. I went to WalMart and got my picture taken to give to my Husband for Christmas. I weighed 263 lbs when we got married 33 years ago. I started this journey at 345lbs. I have lost 111lbs and weigh less now then I did at age 12. I also found out yesterday that in May I will be having surgery to repair a hernia and a T/T. Life is so good. See all lighter. Joanne
Topic: RE: 8 Months Out Today -109 lbs
Pamela Hi, Congratulations on the great weight loss. I know exactly how you feel. It is so nice to be able to do things that we couldn't do before. I know I can now get in the floor and jump up and down with my grandkids. Just to see the look on their faces and on the faces of my kids. To hear them say to other people that I can now do these things and how proud they are of me goes beyond anything that I could ever imagine. We are truly blessed. Judy
Topic: RE: Way WOW moment yesterday
CONGRATS. Your doing great. I too understand what that feeling is like. I have caught myself checking me out in windows and mirrors, and that was something I would NEVER have done before. Its a great experience. I am down 142lbs so far, and still have about 65 or so more to go to get to goal, but feeling wonderful. I too broke down and got family portraits taken for christmas. I was surprized like you because I too avoided cameras like it was the plague. Keep up the great work, and enjoy the new you.
Anita B
420/278/200 someday hopefully
Topic: Way WOW moment yesterday
My husband and I were out doing final Christmas shopping and running around. I was having an "I feel pretty" kind of day and thinking my husband was a handsome studmuffin and how lucky I am to have been able to have the surgery and how good I feel inside, etc. We walked into Wal Mart and I saw the photograph studio ad and spontaneously said, "Let's see if we can get our picture taken now". We did and it was fun and I liked the digital proofs! We're going to send the photos out for our 26th wedding anniversary this coming Valentine's Day.
You have to take my word for it when I tell you what a miracle that experience was for us. I had avoided cameras for years and hated seeing images of my fat (and to my eyes... ugly) person. I hated going out in public period. My sense of self and confidence has risen higher than I thought possible since losing 92 pounds. I can remember decades ago when I first hit 170 pounds and thought I was a fat cow and horrible person. Now 170 feels wonderful and even if I don't lose another ounce, I'm content and know that I've managed to do something wonderful for myself. Life feels so good.
I hope all of you are going throught the same metamorphosis.
Merry Christmas!
Topic: RE: NOW HEAR THIS!!!I have what you are looking for!!!
Printed off the diet and posting to my fridge.. I was thinking that the only way to bust this was to go back to the very beginning... a very good place to start!! Thanks... and the reason I didnt post earlier is I usually just stick to Indiana Board because I am sooo busy delivering baskets and having meetings with new friends...
I am down 85 pounds and from a 28 to a 16 but am sure i could have done better..
Topic: RE: It's not all rainbows and Sunshine.....
Even though I have only lost 2.5 pounds in the last 6 weeks and my knees still hurt like a FAT Person.. I wouldnt go back to where I was for anything in the world... Before Surgery I had NO Hope.. Now I know that adjusting my diet and exercise I CAN finally loose something..
The holidays have been rough.. not REAL sugar sensitive... except for some reason those 2 pcs of fudge threw me for a loop the other night..Thanking GOD and my Surgery I couldnt have 1/2 a pound of the stuff...
I AM IN CONTROL now of my future... I have HOPE in achieving my goals.. no I didnt make it below 200 by Christmas but I bet I will make it by Valentines day!!!