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Topic: RE: P/B Challenge Roll Call
I am right along here with you,,,,,Pre op weight was 315 present weight is 170.....I have lost 135 lbs and started the P/B challenge with you all...I started yesterday.....I had a protein shake for breakfast....S/F jello for lunch with my protein shake S/F jello for my snack Protein shake for dinner... S/F jello for snack...Protein shake before i went to bed....along with some tomato soup made with skim milk////
protein count was 120 total fluid intake was 100 oz......
Good luck....Thank you for not putting this down and your willing ness to try fascinates me
Topic: RE: 8 mo's out and stalled
You are like so many of us who plateau and are unsatisfied...I am sure if you go back to P/B eating you will start to lose again/.
feel free to join in on the bariatric basics challenge. you will see all it takes is liquid and protien in the first week to get you started again...
This will help adjust your pouch and get you going....there are several who are in the same will do great...I am sure of it/
this is exciting and you will see results...
I have this plan from my bariatric center and it is legit...i promise that...what happens sometimes is we want to or are eager to try new foods and then what do you know we stall...just trying new things.
for example....if you try to eat potato chips and can handle them fine and eat one ounce, wow I can do it,,,well a few hours later you eat another ounce,,,,you did not dump but hey it is just an ounce right,,,,well you do the same thing later by the end of the day the who bag is gone and you had actually consumed an exta 1000 calories....for the that 3 and a hlf times, and WALA you gained one pound...
It happens and with out noticing what you are actually doing is putting 3500 calories of emptiness in your pouchy....
Getting back to the basic you are retraining yuor self....but more importanly you are making your self...forcing your self if you will to be more aware and care ful///
Good luck
Topic: RE: Happy New Year !!!
You are right,,,,in the beginning it was so easy....we had very little choice as to what or how much we would eat...this is a choice whether we want a taco or a protein shake,,,
We all make bad choices as soon as our pouch settles and soon figure out that we can handle a candy bar or eat sugar and not make us sick/// Ihave heard that so much....
Getting back to basics is a good way to get control..
Good luck on this
you will do great
Topic: RE: Challenge Anyone? are more than welcome....this is what we are all here for...we all chose a procedure to help us have more productive lives...what better way then to show our support and cheer each other along in this,,,I hate to see people hit plateaus that are so unneccessary.
We can do this we need to stick together....I am not a doctor, but I am involved in the way I am chosng to run my pouch and I refuse to let my pouch run me.
We are in control and this kick starting ourselves will help in getting back on track...
Good luck to you also..
Topic: RE: P/B Challenge Roll Call
In the beginnig of our surgeries we ate like this and we were very low calories,,,I am not sure what type of surgery yuo hd but I had the open RNY and I was on liquid only for 1 month post op....
I am working very closely with my bariatric center and they advise me to get back to basics every so often to whip my pouch in shape and stay on track...
There are several people on here have hit plateaus and are very unsatisfied with thier progress....we are not suppose to be eating carbs...protein protein protein...yogurt has carbs in will the soup she will be eating....when we eat we are suppse to eat protein first anyway....when i eat i do not nor have ever eaten any carbs and I am alive to tell about it....I dont eat rice, bread, pasta, potatoes,,,any stacrh veggy....I concentrate on protein only....
This is a week to week kick start,,,,,it is not a long term daily eating program....getting back to the basics is what we all need from time to time....I only consume daily around 400 to 600 calories a day...My pouch can only hold 3 tbs of food ata time...there is no way i would ever be able to eat 1200 calories...I have not since surgery....I am surprised you far out from surgery are you that you can eat 1200 calories a day? that seems like an awful lot to me....
take care
Topic: RE: P/B Challenge Roll Call
I think it is wonderful to go back to basic, revisit the pouch rules, etc.
Hope this will shake things up for you and get you off your stall. It is possible to apply the basics and still maintain a higher calorie level. You can do it with out bulk too.. adding in flax seed oil to protein shakes.. sprinkle a little toasted wheat germ on top of that morning yogurt. I do know that our bodies respond differently so I can only speak from my own nutritional research and experience. It seems like if I just cycle up or down 250 calories that is enough to shake things up for me and keep the results consistent. I'll be cheering you all on!
Topic: RE: Good Luck Challengers!!!!! We are off to a new Year
This sounds great...I am glad you are taking ths seriously/////You will do great just by your motivation. I cant tell you enough how imprtant it is to get back to the basics....we need to be in control of our new tool...not let that tool control us..You will see the difference almost will see by the end of the first day how much more you are goingto be urinating....everytime you do,,,,you are releasing bad fat and shedding un necessary calories. You will be amazed.....just drink drink drink and get your protein in concentrate on small sips or bites of your soups,,,,dont eat and drink at the same time and you will see the difference,,,,
Best of luck youwill do great////
Topic: RE: P/B Challenge Roll Call
Stacy, Thanks for your advise. I will let you know how I make out. I am going back to basics to get a jump start on weight loss again. In the beginning this is how we ate. All should be ok. See you lighter. Joanne
Topic: RE: P/B Challenge Roll Call
That is really low calorie for this far post op. Have you considered running that plan by your nutritionist. You may end up gaining weight still because your body could go into starvation mode. Any chance you can get the calories closer to 1200? The protein is great but you may want to add in some healthy fats and complex carbs to up the calories. Just a suggestion. Eating that low and not balancing out your carb/protein/fat also means you could get hungry faster and may be more likely snack or at least be in an awful mood!
Good Luck!!
Topic: P/B Challenge Roll Call
Good Morning to all. Today is the inportant day that we start out P/B Challenge. I started this journey weighing 345 lbs. My lowest weight was 232lbs. Today I weighted in at 245 lbs. I'm not going to beat myself up. I'm going to get back on track and beat this. I am posting this so all will know you can gain weight if you eat wrong. Don't let anyone tell you you will never gain weight again. I am hoping some of this is just fluid for my hands are really swallen today.Ok here goes my plan of Action. I am going to journal and walk 10,000 steps a day.Each night I will plan what I eat tomorrow and try to stick with it. I am having my coffee now. Decafe w/ splenda and non dairy creamer. Breakfast = light yogurt, Snack= V-8 with protein, Lunch= homemade cream of broccoli soup ( a W/W's recipe),snack pudding w/protein, Dinner= Cream of broccoli soup, snack V-8 with protein. Lots of water in between. I will let all know how this worked at the end of the day. Oh, this comes to 635 calories and 92 grams of protein if I stay on track. I will post tonight how my day went. Good luck to all. See all lighter. Joanne