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Jackie D.
on 1/2/06 2:59 am - N. Huntingdon, PA
Topic: RE: P/B Challenge Roll Call
Judy, your are too funny! My first thought was that P/B meant peanut butter too. My surgeon and nutritionist agrees with Stayce's about the total calorie count for the day. I can easily get in 1200-1500 a day with no sweat. I eat 5 small meals a day. 3-4 oz of protein every 3 hrs plus veggies and salad etc. Up until Thanksgiving I ate no bread, rice or pasta but now I will have 1/2 a roll or a spoonful of rice every so often for variety. Pasta still doesnt sit well with me. I even had a few cookies over the holidays and much to my dismay found I did not dump. My reason for doing this is to kick start my weight loss into gear again. I know the P/B is not a long time way of eating but I figured that I could do it for a month and refocus on the good habits that I've let go of over the holidays before my old ways have a chance to get lodged in there again. By doing it with the group I'm hoping it will keep me motivated and focused. I'm 54 yrs old and believe me it gets harder and harder to stay on the straight and narrow path. Any little thing knocks me off(lol) Exercise is still the hardest thing for me to get in and now that winter is here it's the pits!! But I keep chugging along because a healthier me is my goal. I think that is why this site is so wonderful. We are all supportive of each other in our journeys. Thank you all for your insight!
on 1/2/06 1:54 am - Duarte, CA
Topic: RE: P/B Challenge Roll Call
Hmmmm . . . does this make us the "thinner thirteen", or "triumphant thirteen", "threadlike thirteen" or "thriving thirteen"? Judy
on 1/2/06 12:56 am - Baltimore, MD
Topic: RE: P/B Challenge Roll Call
Sprint Tri is fairly easy and any one can train for it... Check out this "Couch to Sprint" training program: You should come hang out with us on the bodybuilding and weightlifting message boards at OH. Great group of people there too. Very cool to hear your cycles are normal. It has been a fight for me for months. I had some Lupron and just had a D&C on Dec. 29th. Hoping that will get me back on track. I had my period for over a month and a half.. very heavy and very painful. It had been bad prior to that but this was the worst. My dr had me on everything to try to stop the bleeding.. pills, high dose estrogen patches. The one shot of Lupron was the only thing that worked. That was just so I wouldn't bleed during my surgery. Also have a couple small fibroids and back a few years ago had an abnorm pap and needed LEEP surgery to remove the pre-cancer cells from my cervix. Had a grapefruit size fibroid removed last year.. oh the gyn fun of it all! LOL I love that soul cysters board. I learned a ton from it. I thought I had PCOS for a while since I had some of the symptoms but never was diagnosed. So glad to here you are on track now!!!
on 1/2/06 12:53 am - Duarte, CA
Topic: RE: P/B Challenge Roll Call
Good morning everyone! You were all up so much earlier than me. But, I'm here in Southern California so way behind in the time. I woke up this morning to RAIN, RAIN, RAIN. This is totally NOT acceptable for the Rose Parade. Definitely did NOT spend the night on the parade route this year. I started last year at 279 pounds. My lowest weight was the day after Christmas (last week) at 175. However, the beer caught up to me and today I weighed in at 179.52. I, too, track my foods on FitDay. Yesterday I got in 111g of protein and well over 100 ounces of water. I also ate cheese and almonds, so today will officially be my first day of the P/B challenge. By the way, does that stand for peanut butter??? Just kidding. I know it is plateau buster. I also joined the America Takes it Off 30 day challenge. It starts today. I figure I'm gonna lose those pesky 10 pounds one way or another. Or at least 9.52 pounds so I can be at my surgeon's goal. I'm 5'9" and wearing an 8 now and a medium in tops, so I don't want to lose TOOOOOO much. HAHAHAHA! I, too, do not, eat rice, pasta, potatoes, or bread. I also have not tried anything with sugar such as cookies or candy. Truthfully, I'm afraid that I will be able to tolerate these foods, and I don't want to know. I get my carb fix with Soy Crisps from Trader Joes. These are low in carbs and have protein in them. They are great with tuna as a dip. My highest calorie count on FitDay so far has been about 800 calories. My surgeon says 3 meals and NO snacks. There is no way I could even get close to 1200 calories unless I started snacking. Enough from rainy California. Best of luck to all of us on this challenge. Please help keep me in check everyday. I will post my FitDay results at night. Judy
Teresa P
on 1/2/06 12:15 am - Columbus, GA
Topic: RE: P/B Challenge Roll Call
Good Morning! I'm here to check in with my weight! Prior to surgery I weighed 390 and lost down to 347 to have surgery. As of this morning I am at 210! I had a protein shake for breakfast and have already had some Crystal Light to drink as well. I am really psyched to do this! I made my entry to Fitday and and will post later tonight on how the day went! Hugs, Teresa
on 1/2/06 12:14 am - Miamisburg, OH
Topic: RE: P/B Challenge Roll Call
Stayce, I think I agree more along the lines of your thinking. Thanks for taking the time to articulate your thoughts. I've become a work out fiend. I love it..I do aerobics, life cycle and treadmill. I will be interested in hearing how you progress toward your goal of the sprint triathalon. Good luck on the pregnancy. I had PCO before, but my cycles are like clockwork now. I'm fairly sure that I'm ovulating, but at this point in my life I'm fairly certain I'm done with making babies. Now I just have to worry about accidental preg...gasp! Laura
on 1/2/06 12:02 am - Baltimore, MD
Topic: RE: P/B Challenge Roll Call
My progression per my surgeon was: 0 - 3 weeks liquid - try to get up to 600 calories 3 - 7 weeks soft foods - try to get up to 800 calories 7 weeks plus regular diet - 1200 calories - 4 meals a day no snacks Going to make a long post here so bare with me. Sorry for the book in advance. This is what works for me but I realize everyone is different and bodies and minds can respond differently to this surgery. There is more then one way to drop weight.. millions of ways. We all know that. I do think there are also many ways to become healthy. I just believe there are some better then others. Hopefully whatever we do gives us those long term results we all want. We all want the same thing.. too look good naked.. right? lol.. just kidding. I had my Lap RNY in April just like the rest of you. It was at the University of Maryland. They have a comprehensive program and I work closely with my nutritionist on almost everything I do. We are in email contact and she also drops into the online support group I run every so often as well. I see her monthly at the hospital support group meetings. Her standard plan for WLS at this stage though is 1200 calories and they are ok with carbs as long as protein is first and you are meeting all your other nutritional needs. Carbs are not bad.. that is a myth. No food is bad food. There are just better choices. For me its more about how I balance it all out... meal by meal.. day by day.. week by week. Complex carbs and healthy fats are essential for my health and an important part of my diet. I do try to stay away from more simple carbs (unless it is post workout) since they burn up a lot faster. I do pay attention to protein and always meet that requirement.. then I move on to the veggies, whole grains, and fruits. I can combine meals like a stir fry though and know now that this far out I will have room to eat my 4 ounces of chicken with some mixed veggies at the same time. I portion stuff before it goes onto my plate. I feel like I have a really good understanding now of exactly what volumes my pouch can and can't handle along with the foods it can and can't handle most of the time. I eat 1200- 1500 calories and 80-100 grams of protein. I do 5 meals a day that are 250-300 calories. The emphasis of Dr. Kligman's program has always been "realistic" eating in real world scenarios. They even give a guide to healthy eating at fast food places. They don't expect us to all be health nuts.. although I am and do take it a step further. It works for me.. it isn't for everyone. I have had an interest in nutritional science and fitness long before my WLS. I also founded and continue to moderate two non-WLS nutrition and fitness message boards that are a few years old. I started an online support group for my surgeons patients that is independent of the University of Maryland back when I first had surgery when we didn't have more regular on site meetings. My food beliefs.. I believe in getting the most bang for my buck and pick nutritionally dense foods 95% of the time. I enjoy my staples... whey protein, egg whites, cottage cheese, walnuts, almonds, natural peanut butter, toasted wheat germ, flax seed meal, blueberries, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, lean meats, and baby spinach! I pick whole foods over processed when possible but I do eat processed too. Hard not to in this day and age. Cheese sticks are a staple for me as well. Enjoy the laughing cow cheeses or goat cheese too. I usually partner that with some flax seed crackers and a good green salad. I still do a post workout whey protein shake but try to stay away from liquid protein outside that one shake a day. I am pro adding in the "superfoods" to my diet and eating for disease prevention since I have seen so much cancer and other serious diseases in my family. I had a scare myself a few years ago but doing great now. My husband is a personal trainer and has muscular dystrophy - he is also another research fanatic, athlete, and very supportive. He ran a triathlon last year but due to the progression of his MD this year he has had to slow down. Great book om Super Foods if you get a chance: I eat for health now. I don't eat to lose weight. I know.. Crazy?!! Right?This mindset has been really freeing for me. It was hard to get there since I had been conditioned to diet all my life and was on that never ending yo yo cycle. I thought dieting was eating healthy but now I know better. It is about every day lifestyle choices. Scales and calipers still can drive me nuts but I fight to find a balance with them. I think they have there place. I try to see losing weight now as just a bonus. I have an idea where I will stabilize but it really isn't a concrete goal. My goals are more nutitional and fitness related. Some weeks I drop a couple lbs and some weeks I don't. I try to pay more attention to how I feel and how my clothes are fitting. I only weigh every couple weeks. I do fall off the wagon sometimes, get back on very fast, I have dumped plenty, I have eaten sugar (had 5 of those mini-sugar cookies at Starbucks that made me dump a few days ago), high fat foods.. I am by no means perfect at all. I think the reason this time is different from others is 1) the gift of this wonderful too, the pouch 2) I'm working equally hard on both the mental and physical journey 3) don't try to be perfect 4) focus on the here and now - living a healthy lifestyle today This year I'm planning on running a sprint triathlon and also going for my spinning certification. My exercise has been more sporadic the last year due to a couple other health issues that seem to now be resolved but once I increase it I plan to adjust my calories again if needed to compensate for burning more calories. Obviously I can't go burn 500 - 800 calories in the gym or on a run training for a triathlon and be left with only a few hundred for regular functioning. I'd get very sick! I was doing resistance training and cardio 5-6 times a week before surgery. You will probably see me even higher calories once I get back to that and adding in a 6th meal. One of my reasons for WLS was because I was continuing to get joint injuries after working out and activity. I no longer have any joint problems, back pain, no more high blood pressure, and am hopeful that once my weight does stabilize for 6 months that we will start trying to work on getting pregnant too! Good Luck on whatever paths you take. Enjoy the journey and you can count on me dropping in to cheer you on as often as I can.
on 1/2/06 12:01 am - Millsboro, DE
Topic: RE: P/B Challenge Roll Call
Good morning Jackie or should I say SEXY SEVEN. There is actually 13 of us doing this challenge for friends of the April 2005 board have gotten in. I am excited too. I am cooking my cream of broccoli soup and it smells so good. I have had only had 2 cups of decafe coffee and didn't make another pot so that is a good start. It will be water to drink nex****er, water. water. We will keep each other motivated for sure. I will also post tonight how I did. That scales must be nice. Santa was good!!!!! See us all lighter. Joanne
on 1/1/06 11:47 pm - Millsboro, DE
Topic: RE: P/B Challenge Roll Call
Rae, Thanks for your support. I am very determined to do this and have no fears. I really like what you say about carbs. I know everyone is different but I have found carbs put weight back on me and fast. You don't have to eat breads, pasta, rice or any of the white stuff to get in carbs. Carbs are also found in Milk, fruit and vegetables. I get most of mine from milk and vegetables with no problem. Fruit or the white stuff puts weight on me. I know I can do this and I will. I am going to put my focuse on that upcoming T/T in May. Everytime I want to eat something I am going to write it out. This is a one shot deal and I will not blow it. I will get below 200 lbs by then. You are a great inspiration to me and I appreciate your faith. See you lighter. Joanne
Jackie D.
on 1/1/06 11:33 pm - N. Huntingdon, PA
Topic: RE: P/B Challenge Roll Call
Good Morning Joanne, I got up this morning with such a great attitude. I am definitely ready to start. I began my journey at 273 and this morning I was 219.6 (got that new digital scale for Christmas so I'm going to use all those point somethings-LOL) I havent put together a menu for the day but I plan to use FITDAY to keep track I'll post again tonite with what I did today. I figure DAY 1 will be easy for me cause I'm really PSYCHED! Once reality kicks in is when I will be in trouble but that is why I just LOVE the idea of this group. We will support and keep each other motivated. GO TEAM!
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