Has anyone else experienced terrible gas pain?
There are days I hurt so bad I think Im having a Heart attack. I can feel it gurgle around, and get stuck under my ribs. The first time it happened I was out at dinner. I stopped mid sentence and my husband almost called 911.
All I can do is lay on my side and ....yes sports fans....FART!
It eventually goes away, but GEEEZZZ, I thought childbirth was bad!
Carol, I can relate kinda .... Today I was out and about walling the shopping malls and Dang I swore I could have blown the world away with .... FARTS... Oh God I had gas so bad... and actually its been for the last couple day... I got home here and was think what it could be and I think I have pin pointed it out. Its MILK... I have been mixing my protien shakes with 1% milk and dang I have wind.. LOL! But I do not have the pain.. Just lots of gas...
Hope you can find a cure..
Take care,
It's so funny that this topic should come up today, because I was doubled over in pain earlier. I had pain shooting up my right side and an RN I work work with wanted me to go to the ER becasue she thought it might be appendicitis. I had my appendix out in '97. And I just knew it was gas.
When this kind of thing happens, I go into the rest room, and do some stretches: forwards, backwards and side-to-side. This always helps to get things moving and I feel better shortly thereafter.
I hope I helped!!!