It's not all rainbows and Sunshine.....
It's just 5 days shy of my 8 months i have not gotten anywhere near close to my personal goal of weighing 165 by hristmas and that if i did it would put me in the century club.... I am stuck in the 180's never getting lower .. i don't consider it a platue.... My Parents had thier fancy schmany christas party last weekend,,..... everyone was staring and gawking at me ... and i spent the majority of the evening in the garage hiding from everyone... there was 100-150 eople thre and it was way to overwhelming and you know the worst part was when i wuld wlak by people would talk about me like i wasn't even there..... it sucked , i hated it ...... there are days i totally regret ever having the surgery..... in fact that has been more and more my stnace lately..... I WANNA BE FAT AGAIN! I wanna be able to eat... and enjoy it and not have to stop after 4-5 bites of something... You know what else i can't stay away from all the cookies and candies tha are everywhere right now..... i guess i am a failure.. oh well i needed to vent
Good Lord Danielle! Why are you so down? You are not a failure. I think you are doing pretty well with your weight loss. You and I are at about the same weight, and I had a good 30 pounds more than you to lose. They say the fatter you are the faster you will lose. You sound right on track to me. You know you don't want to be fat again. That wouldn't make you happy. If you aren't a dumper on the sweet stuff (I'm not), at least be glad you can taste it whether it's only 4 bites than not taste it at all. Be glad that you can't overdo it on that junk. I've been doing candies for a few months now. I'm glad I can, but so glad I can't eat the whole pound in one sitting. As for your Christmas goal, so what if you make it in January? The point is you WILL make it, and it's still taking a lot less time than the old diet methods. I glanced over your profile and see that you've had some tough times recently and that may be leading into depression. Have a chat with your doctor and see if there's something that will help you. I hit a weight stall about 2 weeks back and decided to get back on track with counting my calories and proteins. I found this very helpful. I lost 4 pounds this past week. I made sure my calories were under 1000 and my proteins were above 60. Also eating different each day helps. More calories one day and less the next. Keeps your body "at attention", it can't get stuck in a rut and hold on to the stored fat. Anyway I've rambled enough. Best of luck to you and cheer up girl!!
-120 pounds!

I definately agree with amber. dont give up girl. we all lose at a different pace. I do totally understand the feeling left out, and everyone staring at you. I had my surgery on April 27th, and so far I am down 136 lbs, but I also had a LOT farther to go than you did. Its true that the heavier you are to start with the quicker you will lose it. Quit fretting, you WILL get there. Keep up the great work. I too am able to eat the sweets and stuff without dumping, and at first I was very discouraged by that, but like amber said, there is a difference between allowing your body to eat a bite of something its craving to cure the craving and eating the whole damn box. Look back at all you have accomplished so far, and try hard to keep on track. You will get there!!!!
Anita B
420/284/200 someday hopefully
Hey, 180 is my goal. I am over 60 yr old tho.... Dont worry sweetheart, I know and we all do, know how hard it is to lose the food and the friend in food. but think about the things you can do now that you couldnt do before! Walk without pain or shortness of breath...cross those legs!!!! Hey I count every blessing because I have only ...only...lost 95 lbs!!! Wow...I could never have done that without surgery! And I have 50 more to go and I will make it.
I've been baking cookies for Christmas parties and I've eaten at least two dozen in the past couple days. Yesterday I only ate cookies and popcorn. I don't know what the hell my problem is but I wi**** would go away. I'm at eight months and am (was) eight pounds away from the "century" mark. Maybe it's the holiday but I sincerely miss eating as much as I want this month. I hate this.
Hi Danielle, I know just how you feel. I have been stuck in the 180's for over 2 months now. Yes, it sucks. But, I have eaten things that I know I shouldn;t have and I havent exercised like I should either. The first 11 weeks for me was pure hell on earth. I dumped more than once on a daily basis. Then one morning I woke up and it was ok. I still get nausous[ didn't spell it right I know} but that is ok too. I am glad of that because it does keep me from eating too much. I was away from the board for several months and when I was able to get back I came here to the April board and got very upset at how far behind I seem to be. As I have read other profiles I have seen how strict they have been and how they exercised too and I haven't done that. Yes it is aggravating that we can't eat like we used to, but isn't that what the surgery was for. Yes I have gotten mad like you have many many times, but now I have come to my senses. I thank God above that I dump and get sick when I overeat or eat too much sweets. I love the way I look and feel now. I have found out that people that I thought were my friends when I was obese are not my friends now. They don't like the fact that I look as nice as they do. I don't wake up depressed anymore, and when I look in the mirror I now see the person inside me looking back at me and not a stranger. I love it. Please, see yourself as the beautiful woman that we see you are. I eat the cookies and candies too and feel really bad about it but I just look at it as it is going to take me longer to get the weight off . None of us are perfect and we are all different. We must accept ourselves and just be the best that we can possibly be. We all care about you. Just enjoy your life to the fullest and don't be so hard on yourself. I care, Judy
Even though I have only lost 2.5 pounds in the last 6 weeks and my knees still hurt like a FAT Person.. I wouldnt go back to where I was for anything in the world... Before Surgery I had NO Hope.. Now I know that adjusting my diet and exercise I CAN finally loose something..
The holidays have been rough.. not REAL sugar sensitive... except for some reason those 2 pcs of fudge threw me for a loop the other night..Thanking GOD and my Surgery I couldnt have 1/2 a pound of the stuff...
I AM IN CONTROL now of my future... I have HOPE in achieving my goals.. no I didnt make it below 200 by Christmas but I bet I will make it by Valentines day!!!