Who had a WOW moment(s) this week?
Good Morning,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and didn't eat too much.
Who had a WOW moment or WOW moments this week? I am sure we all had several with the Holiday and all. I know I did.
My first WOW moment was Dana (Cajun Girl) giving me a beautiful suit size 12 and it fits!!!
My second WOW moment was going 4 wheeler riding with my little brother and we didn't get stuck in the mud.
My butt fit fine.
My third WOW moment was seeing my niece's on Thanksgiving and them telling me I'm small and I look like my sister.
My fourth WOW moment was going to my Father's bay home and going fishing on his boat, I had no trouble getting in and out of the boat.
My fifth WOW moment was cleaning out my car yesterday and I realized I could climb over the seats without having to open the doors.
So, what were your WOW moment(s) this week. We love
to hear from you to cheer you on to victory. So, come on and share them with us.

I had several wow moments this week.
1. My youngest sister who has always been smaller than me gave me 3 pairs of new jeans that were too small for her. Fits me perfectly.
2. I went back home for Thanksgiving (Chicago) and visited my old work location in Hoffman Estates, IL. I was walking towards my old department with my sister and an ex-coworker thought I was one of my sister's daughters. She didn't recognize me until I started talking.
3. I went to a babyshower on Saturday and wore some jeans that fit me two weeks ago. I had to wear a belt and still had a hard time keeping them up. Everyone was calling me Miss Baggy Pants....
4. I just got the pictures from the baby shower and didn't realize how much younger I look now.
5. I pulled up to my mom's house when I got into town (Chicago suburb) and one of my nephews whom I haven't seen in over 10 yrs, stopped his car in the middle of the street.... Stuck his head out of his car window and called out my name..... He immediately got out of his car.... left it running and door wide open and ran towards my and gave me the biggest hug and told me how great I looked. He had such a big grin on his face.... That was awesome!!
6. I was walking with one of my ex-coworkers whom is a fast walker and I was actually keep up with her and talking at the same time. I used to be a few steps behind her and whizzing, huffing and puffing and unable to talk while walking. She even noticed how I was keeping up with her pace.
I love my new tool!! I just wish I had done this sooner.
My first wow moment was at Thanksgiving dinner, noticing that I'm thinner than my cousin, who's 5 months pregnant, but before, that never would've mattered. At her lowest weight, she was 150.
My second wow moment, was when my mom bought me several items of clothing from the thrift store in size small (one in size extra small) and they both fit!
My third wow moment was at Tae Kwon Do, and my pants are starting to fall down (they didn't thank God), but the pants are itty bitty anyway, and the fact that they're starting to get to big gives me warm fuzzies.
My fourth wow moment was doing laundry with my husband, and I pulled a pair of jeans out of the dryer and thought they were my husbands, but low and behold... they're mine!
My fifth wow moment is finding out that the clothes I bought just a month ago, are now getting to be to big, which means, I'm probably down to a 12 size pants now

It is funny and wow isnt it... I pull pants out of the dryer and wonder whose they are... then I remember wearing them yesterday.. mind boggleing!!
People at work think I have a brain now.. I guess when you loose weight there is more room for it to grow... any way they are actually asking me questions..
I wore a loose dress to work yesterday with a long loose blouse over it and people were wondering why I hide the new me...I just told them I like what I was wearing and why flaunt it if ya know ya got it?? Besides sitting around in an over size dress with a pr of knee high hose is like going to work in your bathrobe.. comfee..