I have a question
Oh my God... I'm in the same boat... (with the baby fever thing, anyway). I don't know about my husband, I have talked with him yet... but I have been thinking about it intensely.
I'm almost 7 months out. My mom is a midwife, and she sees TONS of WLS patients come through pregnant all the time. She tells me all the time about what goes on in their situations. Usually they do just fine. Most of the times, they're over the 1 year waiting time period. There are a lot of times when they have to moniter the baby closely, because they're afraid the mother isn't getting enough nutrition. It's a risky situation, especially being so early out. I personally, am going to try to wait until I'm a full 12 months out before I even mention wanting to try (I say that now, but tomorrow I'm gonna be like "I GOTTA HAVE A BABY!!!" lol).
I know if I mention wanting to have a baby, my mom would go ballistic, lol... which is why if we do decide we're going to, we wouldn't tell her until the deed was done, lol... then she would have nothing to do but to warm up to the idea and get excited about being a grandmother, and give me lots of free medical advice
, and ultrasounds, tee-hee.
Anyways, if you ever want to chat, feel free to email me [email protected]

You enjoy that marriage first!! Babys can come later... I am a veteran of the motherhood gang.. and have made the advancement to grandma so I Know... You get you and you r hubbys life settled and in a routine first then think of bABIES.. BESIDES BEING THINNER NOW YOU STILL HAVE MORE LIFE TO ENJOY BEFORE YOU HAVE TO STAY HOME AND WIPE NOSES!!!
Me and the hubby have been living a married life for over 2 1/2 years... the wedding just made it legal and final, lol. As for routine... don't get me started, lol.
Besides, if I wanted to sit around and do nothing but enjoy all that there is to enjoy out of life, I probably never would've settled down so early. I'm the domestic type. I have always thought that the most depth and richness that comes out of life, comes out of family... and I can't wait to get mine started.