East Coast Romance
Don't even get me started on con artists and serial killers who troll the Web for vulnerable people.
Please. I see heartbreak in your future. Slow down and think.
post from Lynda W. 7/8/05 to Tom's original post...
I don't understand why
a) You're so defensive and
b) So ready to bring a stranger into your home with your minor children.
Your profile says you joined this site in April. That's not really important but what you do will substantially impact the lives of your children who have no control over your actions.
your first post to Cheryl this afternoon...
I think I speak with some authority/expertise when I say that what you're going to do to your children is selfish and the likely outcome for both of you isn't as rosy as the picture you've painted. And I hope Tom can see that we are posting out of concern for him only and your defensiveness is a great big waving red flag.
your second post to Cheryl this afternoon....
In my book that shows you are
A. calling her not only a bad person but a bad mother. and
B. Lynda suggested she was a possible con-artist and psycho in Tom's post last night.
Again, all of your posts may have been meant in the sincerest form of trying to give advice but your wording made her out to be some gold-digging psychopath who was ready to get her claws into anything and anyone. And that you all in NO way accepted her or were willing to support their relationship no matter what. I thought the whole idea behind OH was SUPPORT and encouragement. Not bashing and degrading people just because you don't know them or think their not doing what YOU might or might not do. Thats not my idea of showing encouragement or support.
Whoa. Don't you watch the news? Bad things happen to good people all the time. My own neice was lured out to meet a sexual predator who preys on vulnerable and foolish teenage girls with Internet access and will believe whatever they read in print.
"Support" is not telling people what they want to hear and encouraging behavior you cannot comfortably advocate. Last night I didn't suggest anybody was doing anything except moving too fast for prudence. I can assure you I am sorry I expressed my opinion.
I am constantly amazed at the anger and bitterness which is spewed on OH message boards. The site is rampant with rude and unkind people. Surely we can agree to disagree without the snide comments and personal attacks.
Just my own opinion....I've met some of the nicest people on the singles board on OH....
On the other hand...I've met some very evil people on that board. People that assume before knowing what is actually going on. I've done nothing but attempt to watch out for others and be nice to the majority who I thought were kind people over there and it turned around to bite me in the ass. I mean no harm when I post.
Again, I love the board, but there are a handful that should get off thier high horse and 1)ask before they assume. 2) be kind, there is no reason to be so angry. 3) listen when people try and help, and don't get all bent out of shape about someone's opinion.
Again Just my own opinion.
Sheryl-how's the weightloss coming?

Ok Folks,
Here it is in my OWN Words.... I am not a SERIAL KILLER or A CONARTIST... I am a REAL HUMANBEING! I have a clean record I have work in the law enforcement careers/ security careers for over 6 years. I had to go on disablity so I could get my WLS paided for. I am No STOCKER or any of that cr@p.
Thank you all for YOUR OPINIONS.
I willbe the one to make the dicision to do what I want to do in my Life.
Since I been hurt before. I know what CAN happen. I know there is RISK.... That is why I am not rushing into this. The month of May is 6 months away. What the Heck is wrong with communicating with someone on the DAM NET! and TELEPHone....NOthing to me... Please just back off and let it be. I know I am RISKING it!
Peace out,
No one said either one of you were BAD PEOPLE.. they just suggested you meet before you commit.. If it works I will be the first to jump on your bandwagon and be very happy for you!!! What is wrong in meeting face to face before declareing undieing love for eachother??? ANYWAY.. I am not a bad person either and I think I will just stay off the subject and wish you guys the best.. hopeing the whole time!!!
Wow.. no idea why this post ended up on the April board but so be it!
Just wanted to say you never know what will happen unless you take a chance. However, I also believe both people will have a better chance if they are also in a place where the love themselves. I can only imagine that meeting at this time in your lives would be a huge challenge. However, I'm sure you can also be a huge support for one another.
West to East Coast Romance
My husband and I met online playing an online game called Everquest back a few years ago. He was living across the contry in San Jose, CA area at the time. I was in the process of getting divorced from a marriage that only lasted a couple years.
We talked for about a year online before he came to visit. After that things moved very fast. Within 3 weeks he was back again for another visit and then a month after that he moved in with me. The last thing I wanted to do was jump from one relationship to another but it just sort of happened and I don't regret that for a minute!!!! On our 2nd Valentines day we were engaged. I guess that was about a year and a half after he moved in with me. Just this past October we celebrated our 1 year anniversary. We have the most amazing life together and I am thrilled we took a chance!!!!!!!
Best of luck to both of you. May you find the love and happiness that you deserve within yourselves (and together if that ends up being your choice). Good Luck!