wow can you believe!
just the other day my son had some friends over
all boys they 15 to 16 yrs.) I walk into the garage and my son said to his friends look at my mom she is skinny! that is the first time he has ever said that about me, he made my day... same thing happen with my husband....I have bones still have a way to go but just had to share...
hugs to all,
Anita and all...
Thank you all for the kind words.... they mean so much !
I wish the best for all..... hey Tom have fun when you do the family pic,
I do not take to many If it had not been for my older son's girlfriend back in Calif, I would not have a picture on here it is a nice feeling when people tell you you look nice and mean it. Well you all have a great week-end and
yes Tom I read about your

Isn't those comments from people AWESOME?
I know I have been gettng more and more of them lately too.
It makes me feel so good inside. Its been years since I have had a postive comment. Infact I go to the mall and do the mall walk a couple times per week and just the other mornin I was walking with a group of people and this one person I have been walking with and have not seen for a couple weeks came up to me and said, "Wow your looking good, your moving so much faster now!" I said Yep wanta race... LOL! Oh it feels soo good. Oh and last week I was with my father and he said look at that you don't have that third chin no more, and he notice I buckled my seat belt in the pickup.. Its been years since I have done that.. I surprised myself even... LOL Oh Life is just getting that much Sweeter... Infact my folks have plans of being in there holiday pictures this year. Its been soo long since I have been offered to be in them... OMG! Well I have to run and catch my bus to the mall so I can get in my walking.. Its getting kinda cold her to do it now.. Darn winter.. LOL.
Take care,
Just when you think teenage boys are self absorbed they say the sweetest things don't they? I have a 16 yr old son and yesterday he noticed i had new jeans and said " WOW mom those look like jeans the girls at school wear...they're pretty cool!" lol I reminded him I was 35....not 16 and he just laughed and said "they fit ya, go for it!" LOL Then one of my 11 yr old twins told me "Pleeeeease don't wear that sweatshirt where people can see's HUGE on you mom and ya need to get a skinnier sweatshirt!" lol Funny thing was it was the sweatshirt I wore all last winter!
Cool isn't it?? I am amazed how the family keeps trying to dress me . THANK GOD for free clothing exchanges.. By the time I get to a level size my family wants to send me for a complete makeover.. To find out WHAT MY STYLE IS!! who knows.. with Peggys shirt and Debbis pants and then with Angies dress.. who knows what MY style is..
I will be 50 next week!! the first birthday i haven't asked to go out and eat!! MY DIL asked me what kind of cake I wanted for my birthday... I just told her Pumpkin... its her favorite.. I can eat about an inch of it and feed the rest to my triplet grandaughters!!
MY 6 MOnths I was down 83 pounds and only about 80 to go to have some to play with...
MY Dr was wowed!!