Today I put on THE DRESS
Back in 1995 when I started losing weight on Phen/Fen, I purchased this gorgeous dress. A Misses Medium. I got to wear it for a year and a half or so until the weight loss stopped (and reversed itself bigtime). But I couldn't bear to part with it. It was something I hoped that I'd one day wear again but knew better. It made me sad to look at it knowing I had pictures of me in it but I just couldn't part with it.
Today, on a whim, I decided to see if it would fit. I expected to be bulging out of it and not be able to get it past my chest.
It fit. It fit marvelously. I was in shock. This was the defining moment of everything I've gone through. When I wore this dress before, I felt so pretty and confident and wonderful.
Today I feel that way again.
254/154 @ goal (5'8")

Congrats lisa 

. Keep up the great work. Get as much wear out of the dress now, then pass it on to someone else, because hopefully you will shrink down enough that you will never want to wear that dress again. I had a dress i felt the same way about and hated to part with it, but once i lost more weight, the dress looked like a potato sack on me instead of a wonderful beauty. I am proud of you. take care and keep on losing.
anita b
420/302/200 someday