I was MIA for a while
Go****'s been a while since I been here I feel terriable because this site was my support (besides my family that is).I have been real busy with my up comming weddig and everything.(it is so time consuming)
Well I am 5months post op and now down 95lbs I went from 284lbs to 189lbs and it is super. I feel wonderful. I Wanna loose 40-50 more lbs.
I am having one problem my hair is falling out ALOT!!! I take silica pills which was recommended to me and I use biologe(?) shampoo etc and still is falling out in bunches...I have cut my hair over a foot to help wit hairloss. Anyone have any suggestions that I can try..My hair is real important to me.
Thanks for everyone being here and being supportive no matter what LUV YA ALL
Hi Alice! Congrats on the loss!
Unfortunately there's nothing you can put on your head or in your mouth that will stop the loss. It's called Telogen Effuvium and it usually stops itself within a few months of starting. Unfortunately, several events can trigger it (such as surgery or rapid weight loss). I bought a wig because of how thin my hair is now. I know this too will pass.