Who had a WOW moment(s) this week?
Hello Everyone,
I hope everyone had a good weekend and has a wonderful week. I was supposed to go back to work Saturday but, have been home sick. Nothing like getting a vacation after a vacation!
My biggest WOW moment was fitting in the plane sit which I posted about previously. And my other WOW moment would have to be finally getting out of the 190's. I lost 6 lbs last week and 5 this week. I attribute it to being sick but, hey it was a good loss and that's what counts.
So, who had a WOW moment(s) this week? Please share them with us as this encourages everyone to keep on moving on.
Have a great day!
I had a WOW molement this week! I was on a retreat with co workers and some of them were using a jet ski. Someone asked me if I wanted to try it, and I SAID YES! I was really nervous to do it as I new everybody would be watching me. The first WOW was that when I was handed the life jacket, I was able to wear it after my co worker (and I didnt have to adjust it to make it larger). The next was that I got up on top of the thing without making a total ass of myself. Once I got going I loved it. I have noticed that I am beginning to feel so young these days, and really ALIVE! I have SOO much energy and I am SOO happy. I remember the days of watching other people have fun, and accepting the fact that I was too fat to do those things. I am finally beginning to feel ABLE.
My WOW moment....I went to the park with my 5 yr old daughter and actually went swinging with her! I felt bad when I realized the last time I went on a swing was when my 11 yr old twins were toddlers. My poor baby...I've never been able to fit on or trust a swing to hold my weight in her entire life. We had a blast though!