Yeah!! No More Protein Drinks
I wrote a couple of days ago about everytime i drink protein drinks i feel sick and have to lay down. I went to the doctor Thursday and he said that i was dupping on my protein drinks. He told me that i dont have to drink them anymore because i can get the protein in food. I am eating well and not having any other problems. I had tried all kinds of protein drinks with water,koolaide,milk and it all made me feel like i was going to pass out and throw up but i never did. So goodbye protein drinks. Yeah!!!!! He said i was doing very well and i have lost 45lbs and i had my surgery April 11th.
I don't have problems with protein drinks but I sure am sick to death of them. I started eating real food last week and I'm doing okay. I drink an Isopur at least every few days and I'm staying at 75gms or more of protein per day. I have to admit I'm frustrated when I read all the posts of how much more you all have lost than me. I eat between 500 & 800 cal/day and have lost 18# since my surgery on 4/4/05. I'm hanging in there though. Slowly, but surely, the weight will come off.
Boy are you lucky. I don't get near the protein I need yet so the shakes are in my future for some time to come.
RE: milk problems. As it's so common for WLS patients to become lactose intolerant, when I was feeling sick & gassy I figured out that's what it was. I now eat lactose free cheese & milk and when I want cream cheese or yogurt I take a lactase pill as I begin to eat. So far, it's worked fine. BTW, my surgeon's nutrit. told me to take the yogurt out 15 mins. before eating. It's helps do something to the lactose enzymes so they're much less powerful.
My doctor had me drink Carnation Instant breakfast for carb conscious. I have always been sort of lactose intolerant and NEVER drank milk. So when I was told I could leave them alone I almost did a dance! Then I was a little afraid because I was having a very hard time tolerating chicken, and some trouble with beef. Although I do better with beef and dark meat chicken, I never could stand dark meat before the surgery, but it doest bother me at all now. I use a lot of the vegetarian meat products to supplement my diet, which my doctor said was fine. I can tolerate them with no problem and they are all high in protien. Dont give up on meat, because the more time that passes from my surgery date the better I do with it. I had my surgery on the 7th of April and have lost 81 lbs. Congrats on your weight loss!