Vomiting all the time (sorry if tmi)
Hi all!
I could really use some advice and I know that some of you out there have lots of knowledge about this sort of thing, so here goes and I hope someone can give me some insight. Sorry if this is tmi (too much information) but I'm sure I'm not the only person having this problem!
The problem is that I have been vomiting every day since April 6th. I called the doctor and the nurse instructed me to drink a teaspoon full of lemon juice before eating. Well, I do that and I still vomit at least 2 out of every 3 times I eat. I have reeeeeealllly tried to concentrate on eliminating the obvious causes (eating too fast, not chewing well enough, and overeating). Also, I have been very careful to limit fluids before and after eating. Still, I throw up almost every time I eat anything and I am really concerned because I am keeping almost nothing down. Also, when I throw up, it's often mucus/saliva mixed with some food. Any ideas what the heck is going on here?
Any suggestions would be so very greatly appreciated!
I have heard people say if you dump it was what you ate and if you throw up it was how you ate. Have you tried going back to liquids for a while or do you throw that up too?? I was having major problems with soft foods I couldn't tell when I was too full until it was too late then I would throw up. I am getting better but still getting the majority of my protein from liquids until my pouch heals up more and I can keep something down without being in terrible pain!!
It sounds like you've been sick for far too long. Your doctors are there to help with this kind of situation, get to them and don't leave until you have some resolution. I too, have had trouble tolerating foods that I once did fine with. My doctor suspects a stricture and I am having an endoscopy on Wednesday. When I called about the problem they saw me the next day. I'm sure many of us have an opinion or experience, but the professionals should help you with a problem that you've had for well over a month. I hope that you have a good resolution. Mary
You have been sick for too long. It is time your doctor stepped up and helped you out. I had a stricture repaired 2 1/2 weeks ago because I could get nothing down. Plus when I vomited most of the time it was mucus junk mixed with food. When do you see your doctor again? If its not soon make an appointment in the morning; you may just be a slow healer but why take that chance.
Take care
My surgery was 4/13 and I have only vomited once. It sounds like this has gone on for far too long and you might need to push your doctor to check things out better. I have had some severe nausau and found that it was always happening if I drank milk or had protein powder. Once I took those items out of my diet, the nausau went away. Carbs also seem to be a likely culprit and sugar alcohols. I kept a food journal to track what was making me feel sick - that helped a ton.
Keep us posted on your progress, push your doctor, things shouldn't be this bad for you. Take care and good luck.
Linda B
Amy, I am so sorry for you. This should be a bit easier for you. I have to tell you my opinion. It really sounds like a stricture. I think you need to be scoped. Call your doc tomarrow and express the seriousness of this. Your body can't keep going through this. Let us know what the out come is. Take care and don't ignore this.
Hi to everyone that responded. I can't thank you all enough for your support and advice. I will call the dr tomorrow and let everyone know what he says. I'm glad to know that others have experienced the same things I'm dealing with. With all of the changes this surgery brings, it's sometimes hard to tell what is just a normal annoyance and what is something to get excited about.
Just wanted to say thanks to all and Lisa, I hope that you will let us know what the nutritionist says tomorrow as well.
Thanks again,

Seems it's all about the chewing. My mouth has been changing for some time due to sinus deformation - so as the roof has been raising because I breathe through my mouth, my mouth has been narrowing which makes chewing normally really difficult. Food tends to get sent backwards before it's chewed well. Guess I'm looking at some orthodontia in the near future. I have to take it REALLY slow. Last night I had a keto brownie and a strawberry and concentrated on nothing but chewing. When it was down to nothing I swallowed. And nothing happened!
This made me happy. At least I know there's nothing wrong with my innards, just my mouth. I'll try some other things, I just have to be very conscious about chewing. Hopefully this will make it better.