Hi Leonard,
I haven't yet. My grandfather had gout, and I always suspect "one of these days" I might have a round with it. So far Ive been lucky. One of the key things to controlling the symptoms is to limit the purines in foods. Right now that may be easier since you are probably on the post op diet and not yet eating alot, or are you?
Check this site out, maybe it will help..
Wish I had more to help out, I know it is painful to deal with. Feel well soon.
Hey Sandy
Thanks for the response. NO I am not eating much at all I may be eating about a cup and a half of food a day if that other than that I am driking the protein shakes. As for purines I haven't eaten anything high in purines. My nutrionist said it's because of all the protein I am taking in and the doc says it' not the protein . I just want the pain to end. Thanks anyway will check out the web site you sent.