OK. What am I doing wrong? Everytime I add Skim Milk or Vitamite (milk alternative) to protein supplements or pudding I race to the bathroom every few minutes for several hours with diarreah. Am I drinking/eating those things to fast? Or, is Milk/Vitamite going to be one of those things that I should always stay away from? I just ate some SF yogurt, and I'm feeling perfectly fine.
i dunno if this can help your question, but i too so early post op was having alot of diarrhea everytime i ate something with milk so i tried lactaid for a couple of days and then went to skim milk and i was fine, somaybe its that it needs time to get use too i even had a prob with the sugar free fudge popsicles so imagine but now i am fine. everything takes time.... i mean i have been drinkking some natural squuezed oj with ice to water it down and it taste great.... and goes down great....=0
hope i was some help ...
I just got off the phone with the doctor's office and they said some people become lactose intolerant after surgery. I would think if I was lactose intolerant, I would have had probs with the yogurt or the pre-made pudding. I only had problems with the pudding that I added milk to. I'll try to continue with the Vitamite for a few days and see how that works.
Thanks for your help
I know my body couldn't handly milk based products and still can't at 5 weeks post op. I have switched to soy based products instead, like the Advant Edge 0 carb protien drink. Even yogurt causes me to dump. Only thing I'm able to handle dairy wise is cottage cheese, and even that sometimes doesn't sit well.
I have become what I call semi lactose intolerant. I can't handle milk of any kind but I can handle a little yogurt and a little cottage cheese. Regular cheese I am 100% ok with so it**** and miss on what I can tolerate. I read recently this is very common and to switch to soy milk which I am going to do this week. Good luck!!