Open RNY anyone?
Hi Rae Ann,
Thanks for replying. I am getting so nervous with only a couple days to go. I have a good tolerance for pain, hopefully it won't be too horrible. Do you have a recliner you are sleeping in or are you sleeping in your bed? Not sure if i should go buy one or just wait and see. Thank you. I hope everything continues to go well for you.
Hi Annie,
I, too, had open on april 11th. Today, Sunday, is the best I have felt.
I became very nauseated from the anesthesia, so word of advice, if you
think that is going to happen tell them ahead of time to get you anti-nausea meds. Also, Once I got home, I was most comfortable in a reclining chair, because it hurts to lean back. Even in bed, I have been propping up pillows. I am now off my pain meds and just on tylenol.
You'll do great. I have lost 13 lbs already, wish I did it sooner. The best is yet to come!!
Good luck,
Anne, I had a revision from a stomach staple surgery(done in the 70's) to an open RNY. I am a former nurse and have had 23 surgeries, so I was a pro at getting up and moving. I did have a morphine pump, but only took the extra burst twice, and yes it was getting out of bed that I took them for. I had no one at home to help, as a matter of fact, came home in a taxi, because I didn't call anyone to come get me. It was rush hour and a day ahead of when I was scheduled to go home. Bathroom clean-up was a little tricky, until I found a new use for my "old" salad tongs and a bottle sprayer. The day after I was home I had 2 grandkids sent for the summer to stay, not planned and a long story. They kept me going and even had to do a grocery store run, because I had bought stuff for me after surgery and had not stocked for children. Bring in the groceries I had 2 small openings in my incision. Now I have a large H, with double lines across on my stomach from this surgery and my old, where the openings joined. I didn't even get my pain med filled. I do believe all the movement really helped with getting better fast. Don't take me wrong, I had the kids come into my room everyday to watch a video so I could rest and sometimes more than once a day. But main thing, keep moving! Prayers going out to you & for the others to have a pain free and swift recovery to your thinner self!
Hi, I had Open RNY on March 30. The first day was the worst. For me it wasn't the pain as much as they were giving me morphine and it was making me sick. Once we figured that out and swithed it to demeral I was fine. Had surgery on a wednesday was out on Saterday and the last pain med I took was the Friday that I was in the hospital. Havn't needed any since. I wore my binder around the clock for the first week and now I just wear it when I'm feeling a little achy. I kind of just go off what my body says. Anyway, hope this answer helps, If you have any more questions, feel free to email me. Good luck to you,
Hi Annie, I also had open on the 6th of April. Like everyone else said the worse part is getting out of bed. You'll learn to master it in a hurry. Make sure you do your walkiing as often as you can, and you will be fine. The worse is getting out of the darn bed. Keep your pillow pressed on your incision and you'll do great. I'll be thinking of you and sending many prayers for you. You will be fine. God Bless you. HUGS to you. Cathy D