Surgery Date for April 25th.
Am I the only person who is nervous about my surgery? My Dr. is Titus Duncan in Atlanta. Has anyone else used him for surgery? Dr. Duncan is great but his staff is not able to keep up with paperwork and that worries me alittle. I know God is in control and I shouldn't worry and truely I'm not but still alittle uneasy. Just needed to vent alittle.
My surgery is the 25th also. My b-day is the 22nd so we'll be celebrating this weekend cause I have to start on a full liquid diet on the 11th. Every day that passes, I seem to get nervous, excited at the same time.
Turn your worries over to Him & keep praying for you to have peace with what your feeling uneasy about.
My surgery is in 12 days...Apr 21! I'm not nervous yet but I am sure when i start going through all my pre op stuff next Tues. the reality of what I am going to do will really set in and the nerves will start. I am now on a 2 week liquid diet and its going pretty good into the 3rd day. The hard part is when I get something for my hubby to eat before he goes to work. The smell of food makes me hungry! My hubby says I shouldn't make him anything he can get something himself but I want to do it for him. I have to deal with not eating regular food for quite a while so I may as well get used to it!
Good Luck with your surgery and I look forward to hearing your update!
Joyce from Pa