Pre Op Tomorrow/Things to do..?
Ok, Reality is starting to set in. My pre op visit with my Doctor and my pre op testing is tomorrow. I'm worried about the testing.. Just because I want everything to be perfect.
I'm looking forward to Saturday = to spend time with family and friends. Yet kinda dreading Sunday. ewww LIQUID Diet. AH surgery date so near..
Does anyone have any suggestions of things that need to be done b4 surgery? Besides packing or grocery shopping for my new diet (pre and post op ) Maybe things you didn't think of until afterwards. I know I will have to go get some premade/frozen items for my husband to microwave while I'm healing. (He's not that good at cooking ) Seems I'm drawing a blank... lol
Thanks for ya'll input.
I know is very last minute but I am getting surgery on May 6 and I was planning after doing the grocery stuff for my son, he is going to be staying with my sister and for myself. I was planning on getting a pedicure, my hair done color and getting it done, shaving legs and trimming down south. It sounds like I am going on a date instead of surgery, but I figured people might visit at the hospital, I don't want look like hell and after surgery God willing I will not have any complications but if I do only God knows when I am going to be able to do these things again after surgery. Plus here in NYC winter is almost over, so during the cold weather I shave my legs every 2x a weeks. Also I wanted to make my bed more comfortable, like I said before only God knows what is going to happen.... I am trying to be positive about everything but I also want to prepare before hand. I also wanted to take my own pillow to the hospital. Any other suggestions? What should I buy to eat for the first 2 weeks of my surgery. I hate water I only drink sparkly water with flavor and I read I can't have anything with soda, and I can't have plain water either. I read you could have sugar free jello, please now tell me what to buy to have at home before I go into surgery, I want to be ready.