Regardless of Boobs-I got a date-April 6th

Patricia B.
on 3/23/05 10:16 am - Sumter, SC
It's been a long road but now I'm two weeks away from a new life. I call it my new birthday. I thank the Lord for bringing me this far. I went from "boobs too big for the cardiologist to do his tests" to being on my way to a new life. I posted a few months ago that the cardiologist would not clear me because he said my boobs were too big for him to get the necessary info to clear my heart for WLS. Many of you beautiful folks encouraged me to get another opinion. I did & here we are. I'm getting anxious. I have trust my surgeon and his staff. I believe that all will go well. I'm more worried about the pain afterward if I end up with Open RNY instead of Lap, I'm concerned about being out of work, but most of all I'm already spazzing out over the extra skin thing . I know ... that's putting the cart before the . I just can't shake the images I saw on the web of a lady who was my size pre-op and what all that skin looked like when she reached her goal. My insurance company says they don't pay for TT and the like. I pray I can get them to reconsider after I reach goal. I suppose I have to finally get used to taking care of me first. It'll be different for sure. I hope my family can keep their sanity. I would like to hook up with a local so I can compare notes and share information. I hope someone volunteers soon. See you on the LOSER'S BENCH! Patricia N SC
on 3/23/05 10:47 am - Southwest, LA
Congratulations on clearance for surgery. I will sell all my fat clothes at a garage sale, and all the ones down the line, if I have to so I can pay for my TT.......... LOL. Hey, I have too much stuff around my house anyway. I can see it now. signs........ GARAGE SALE TO PAY FOR SURGERY ....LOL
on 3/23/05 3:59 pm - Sweet Home, AL nut!...
on 3/23/05 3:58 pm - Sweet Home, AL
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!!....I know exactly how you feel!....Im already considering looking for a part time job and just putting that paycheck in the bank and letting it grow...I dunno but one or another I gotta find a way for the plastics down the road. Best of luck! Sandy
Mari C.
on 3/25/05 1:53 am - Central, PA
Congratulations ! I am April 18 and have same worry - but we would have the skin problem regardless of how we lose the weight ! I also figure I can't hide my rolls of fat under clothes but will be able to hide extra skin and still look thin and get around better ! A friend of my niece donated her skin to a burn unit and they did the surgery at a reduced price ! Might be worth checking into. Best of luck Mari

on 3/27/05 2:28 am - Amish Country, OH
. Congratulations on your surgery date! I'm 4/6 as well! Looking forward to this new journey - and as you can see - I'm calling my journey The Dawn Of A New Dayna -- because I truly feel that on April 6, 2005 - I will be reborn, and begin a new journey in my life! I know it's gonna be an incredible ride, full of ups and downs, but I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!! Dayna Pre-Op 4/6/05 310/303/120 (5'1")
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