I lost 4 pounds this week!
Hi Karen,
Yes um, the increase in protein has certainly helped me. I am at the point where I do not like eating meat. Im sick of eating meat so Im looking for alternatives to eating meat. I will never eat red meat again, it doesn't sit well on my pouch and makes me nauseous and sick and I cant stand feeling nauseous and sick so I avoid red meat altogether. Chicken breast is okay occasionally if it is grilled and tender it goes down okay. I do love grilled salmon but who can afford grilled salmon everyday? Fried foods make me feel this way too so I avoid them.
I have been experimenting with tofu, I like it if someone else cooks it. Chinese restaurants can cook this well. I dont like it, if I cook it because I dont know what Im doing with it. I order it out occasionally.
I will tell you, it really was NOT that expensive to start stocking these proteins. I went to www.bariatriceating.com and ordered the bariatric sampler pack to start, WITHOUT Susan Maria's book. It is alot cheaper that way. It was less than 30.00, including shipping and handling and I got 16 different protein samples and a shaker cup.
Once I tasted the Matrix Cookies and Cream, mixed with ice cold WATER, I was hooked. It is absolutely delicious. I detest milk in any shape or form so finding good tasteing protein has been a struggle for me for the last 2 years.
To avoid the high costs, I googled "Matrix Cookies and Cream wholesale" and lo and behold got it for $25.00 a bag instead of the $31.00 or $32.00 at bariatric eating. One bag provides 72 servings. The next payday, I ordered a bag of the Matrix Chocolate and it really does taste like hot chocolate when you make it warm.
I love coffee and lattes. IDS Vanilla Cinnamon mixed with coffee is out of this world at it has 26 grams of protein. It was cheaper at $18.00 (roughly) for a BIG canister. The thing with ordering a new protein every other week is that it comes in fast ( within 3 days) and I have variety, so its never boring. Once a month I splurge on a case of ACHIEV ONE! It is soooooooooooo good! I am now stocked with 4 different proteins so I will only have to order power crunch bars or the OH YEAH wafer bars, when those run out.
I look at it this way. I am not a material person. I do not shop for clothes or have expensive toys to maintain, my car is paid for and in good shape so I have no desire to go into debt for anything. I am a blue jeans and tee shirt kinda gal. If I shop, it is at the thrift store or a consignment shop, or given to me. I work 8 days straight before I get a day off so I think I am worth every penny it takes to make me healthy and keep me that way. I set limits, $100.00 a month usually to spend on protein bars (power crunch and Oh yeah wafer bars only), & drinks, sometimes I go over but to be sure I only spend what I can afford. I purchased a VISA card to use online. I refill this card, every two weeks or whenever I have extra ca****'s economical for me to do this, so I do not have interest to pay like you do with regular credit cards. It only costs me $2.00 per transaction and I usually just do one big transaction a month. $4.95 monthly service charge.
If you find a protein you really enjoy, it is easy to get in 100 grams per day or more and that helps keep you full (it does me anyway), so I eat less. You can also find great deals by googling whatever protein or bar you want. Last month I bought power crunch bars, buy one at $14.00 get the second box for half price. I bought 4 boxes and I still have plenty left. I set limts with these to only one a day if I want it. I use it as a daily treat for ME.
A typical eating day for me always starts with coffee, no matter what. In my second cup of the day I add a scoop of IDS vanilla cinnamon. I cant eat when I first get up, never have been a breakfast eater. Around 10 am, I like a Quaker rice cake, with peanut butter, or yogurt and granola and I have another cup of coffee with the vanilla cinnamon or choclate matrix.
Lunch, I start on my water, around 12;30 I have tuna salad or chicken salad with soy crisps, they are not bad at all. Gennisoy brand is good and so are the revival soy chips from bariatric eating. Sometimes it is yogurt and granola.
I get to work at 2:45 so I have an ACHIEV ONE, while I am setting up my meds. (I am a nurse). Sometimes I hardly have time to go to the bathroom at work much less eat so I carry a power crunch bar and I pack my shaker cup, along with different proteins to take to work. IF I have time to eat, I also take cheese sticks and deli smoked turkey to roll up and eat.
I usually eat dinner around 7pm. If I have time to stop and eat, I usually have a weigh****chers Smartone meal, sometimes I go pick up soup and have chicken salad with the soup, sometimes I go pick up grilled chicken or salmon with a veggie, usually broccoli steamed, fresh fruit or carrot raisin salad.
IF I get hungry between meals I will have peanut butter crackers, usually 3 hold me. Ive just started drinking vanilla soy milk. It really has a vanilla flavor and it doesnt taste like milk with the proteins. I make a protein shake with this, once a day, the rest of the time I use cold water. The proteins at bariatric eating mix well with either and taste great! In between these times I am constantly sipping on water or crystal light. It helps me stay full.
Once or twice a week I will eat a bite or two of a biscuit or a roll then I will throw it away. For me, as long as I know I can have a taste of it, it satifies me. I no longer crave sweets. IF Im tempted by chocolate I will have a serving of minatures but I make myself aware of just what one serving is, for me, I never knew what portion control was. Now, I make myself aware of portion control and moderation. Besides, with this New Whey Gourmet chocolate peanut butter protein, it taste as good as a Reeces hot or cold and it is good for you so I feel satisfied!
I make myself aware of the carbs I put in my mouth. I try to stay under 60gms a day, I prefer less, I do eat fresh fruit like canteloupe, watermelon, grapes and bannas which count as carbs too but they dont worry me as much as the carbs do in potatoes, crackers and chips.
I make sure I move everyday. I hate exercise, but I love to do some gardening so now its easier to get in outside exercise everyday with the weather warming up.
I go out to eat with my husband, once a week. I order grilled whatever, I will have a bite of bread, I will have a bite of everything if I want it, then Im done. I just try to always order something grilled and a steamed veggie or a baked sweet potato. I stay away from all white products like potatoes, crackers, rice, chips (soy chips only or rice cakes). I drink only coffee, occasionally tea, water or crystal light, mainly plain water for me.
I know this is LONG and I apologize. I just want to reach out and give you a hug and some encouragement to help you get this plateau broken and start to loose again. I was always hypoglycemic so I try to eat something, even if its 3 peanut butter crackers, every 3 hours or so. I use to starve myself pre op and what happened? I gained up to 325 pounds. I do not starve myself anymore, if I dont feel like eating, I dont. I just supplement with protein shakes. I haven't lost anything since last month but I dont weigh myself unless I feel a change in my clothes. I saw my surgeon today. He was pleased with everything and I have lost 67% of my body weight so he said to keep doing what I was doing, and this is what I am doing. He said it was up to me if I wanted to loose more and if I did to start working out, which I do plan to start looking for a gym and working out. I hope this helps.
Have you tried to track your daily intake with fitday to see the nutrional stats on what your having? I haven't but I am going to start, want to do this with me and we will keep each other motivated?
i give you alot of credit,, it is a hard to follow doing so many shakes,, but i have a question for you,, i beleive we msg'd a while back about going back to the post op liquid diet,,, being you are doing so many protein shakes and taking in very little meat and carbs do you notice that you are gassy? sorry to be so blunt but i just remember the embarassing episodes of all or most liquid throughout the day right after surgery,, i keep saying i need to change up my eating routine but still havent done so,, they are good eating habits for post op but i think my body has become so accustomed to it that it prevents me from losing,, i do have a protein shake at least four times a week and take in about 80-100 grams of protein depending on the day but you're right those carbs sneak into your everyday food,, good luck on continuing to lose !!

i have a really stupid question for you now,, i have never taken any pills or at least very rarely take them unless its an antibiotic or something from the doctor,,, what do those pills actually do? do they eliminate you from getting the gas? or do they help you eliminate it so to speak and make you pass wind? i have never tried them,,
and i actually like the soy milk ,, since surgery i cannot do milk,, i'm fine with yogurt and cheese but good god if i have milk i about die !!,, by the way if you cannot do milk i found out the hard way that chick fila puts milk in their coleslaw !! i was sick as a dog for four days,, but if you drink soymilk try the WestSoy brand,, the vanilla milshake is very good,, and their regular vanilla has several varieties to choose from,, i think one is enriched etc,, they are tasty though i dont care for the Silk brand,, or i use Dairy Ease,, but thanks for the help,, now to get off my butt and try it right

Never such a thing as stupid question. the chewable simethicone is a chewy minty tablet, it makes you pass the gas. Ive found the multi symptom Rolaids will do the same thing if you take enough of them. Walking will also make you pass the gas, this is another reason why surgeons ( for any surgery) want their patients up and walking as soon as they can. I always keep the chewy simethicone tablets or a bottle of multi symptom Rolaids in my work bag or purse, I cant leave home with out them. Hope this helps!