Happy Surgiversary Too Me!! Wow how time fly's!!
Hello my fellow Aprilians .....
Well Its been two years since I had the time of my life ...WLS!!
I have lost 240lbs and gained 40 lbs... I started out a week before surgery at 536 lbs. I am today down to 320 lbs. I know its not the most I could have lost... But I have to admitt that I have not been working out as much as I should be... My knees are wore out and I have bone spurs in both knees so its painful to walk much... But I get out every day and walk around the block and go around town on the bus to just get out and about.
I think back to this date two years ago and say to myself that if I did not go thru with this surgery.... I would not be here today. I could not walk 20 feet before without being out of breathe and the pain in my joints was so bad... Now I can tolerate it as I mention before. But I am looking into getting total knee replacements this summer as I have talked to the knee specialist and he said that there is nothing that can be done when there is bone spurs .
I have to say I can eat just about anything.... But I do concentrate on protein first, I do have trouble with hamburger or any meats that are fatty. I do admitt that I eat alot of soft foods... and WAY to much coffee!! That is my fix these days as I do not drink. I quit that cold turkey 4 years ago.
Well that it for now I will keep you all updated when I go in for my knee replacements! Take care all I love you!!
Congratulations to you Tom! Yesterday was my Surgiversary also - I had almost forgotten
Wow 2 years already?? Where does the time go? I have had so many changes since then - I've lost a total of 116 pounds - I started out 245 pounds. I am grateful to have gotten through this and would do it again and again.

Thank you Tom and so do you
unfortunately, I do need plastics and I am looking into it - getting qualified for the surgery was easy in comparison. I know that everybody has a different experience with this surgery - I always advice people to be sure that understand exactly what having this surgery will mean for their life - I think those who do not fully commit and think of it as a quick fix are the ones that have regret - I went into this with my eyes wide open and 2 years of research - I was fully committed and prepared for the lifestyle change.

CONGRATLATIONS to you both and HAPPY SURGIVERSARY! Im so glad to see others come back and touch base, from time to time. You both have done a fabulous job and I am still loosing when I work at it so hang in there, the ride aint over yet! Ive mainly lost by what Ive put in my mouth. I do not exercise or walk , except at work, but that is what I plan to start working on diligently to get rid of the remaining 48 pounds and get to goal. Have a blessed day and I hope you both will visit often and keep us updated!~ES
Thank you ES! Yes I don't understand why there is not more folks that check in on the board! You have done great too! I know what you mean about not doing much working out... I need to do more of it too!! Since all the snow it just about gone here, I have been getting out and walking more. Next Saturday I am going to walk in the American Heart Association Heart run/walk.... I did it last year and I told myself its going to be a annual activity for the rest of my life. Then I have to sit down and make my appointment to get my knee replacements done!! I am a bit scared about getting them done... But then what the heck I figure I made it thru WLS so it should be all good.
Take care,
Im jealous! You have snow!!! AND get to see the Aur ??? borealis thing...LOL... Id LOVE to see that just once in my lifetime! Im sure it is a spectacular sight!
I guess some just are too busy enjoy their new life and are probably at the gym, while we are here procrastinating about it :-0). I dont have a life besides work and my grandchildren and my internet friends. If I could stay off this computer when I am off, I *might* could get to a gym or at least start walking. I hate exercise, I will admit it but Im working on being positive and Im going to start back with my Richard Simmons tapes and at least get started. I know if i could just start. I would be motivated to keep it up and just might enjoy it one day.
Good for you and the walk!!! I have thought about doing something of that nature, like a walk for obesity but we do not have anything like that here. I wish someone would organize one, I would be motivated to participate.
I am a nurse, and a co worker just returned from a knee replacement surgery. She said it was painful to start but what surgery isnt, that is what the GOOD drugs are for! she is doing well, and she says it helped her knee tremendously, she has to have therapy everyday ( she had her surgery at the end of january) and she said she has to keep moving to keep it from getting stiff so there is your motivation right there, for walking more everyday. The more she walks, the better the knee gets. She said the actual surgery itself was not bad at all, as long as you have a good surgeon who believes in keeping you pain free you will be fine. I would ask what type of pain management program he has in place, for you, post op tho.
Best of luck and let us know when you have surgery scheduled, will send up lots of prayers!
Thank you! Congrats to you also! You will get there and as you said - there are some things that you will need to do in order to help get their faster
I have to admit that I have totally fallen of the exercise wagon
due to relocating and not forcing myself back into the gym after I got settled. But, in the beginning of the journey until almost a year ago - I went to the gym almost daily (this was easier for me because my job has a gym) but I knew that the exercise was a great factor in my progress - so I encourage you to incorporate some form of it into your routine, you will be glad you did.

Your absolutely right Carolyn so I dont mind being told what I know I have to do...LOl.. keep me motivated! My daughter has a treadmill for sale that is calling my name so this just makes me know, I need to go ahead and get it and get started on it and slowly work my way to a gym. Thanks!!
I love yard work and watching my gardens bloom and produce good vegetables so I count that as my exercise. Once I get out there and get started I dont want to stop and I stay outside working until darkness forces me to stop. The down side is with my job, I work 8 day stretches and when I finally get a day off I dont want to get up but I have to force myself and will do just that! Nothing makes my spirit feel better, besides the weight loss. I do so enjoy sitting on the patio and being surrounded by nature and beautiful flowers. I promise Monday, when I am off, I will begin! best of luck to you and please keep in touch! we have to stick together and help motivate each other and you have done that for me so Thank You!